No no babe stay with me i can't lose you

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* Tim gets shot and Lucy is there to witness it

*Tim and Lucy was walking till Lucy hears a gun shot

Lucy : where'd that come from
Tim : I don't know

* gunshot goes off again

* they run down they see the suspect they are running after him

Tim *goes to grab him

Man *shoots him
Tim *collapses
Lucy *running to him : 7-19 I need ambiance at our location now officer down I repeat Sargent Bradford down babe stay with me

Tim *shutting his eyes
Lucy : no no babe stay with me I can't lose you
Tim : I . I
Lucy : I love you too

* Tim shut his eyes

Lucy *cried into him he

Ambulance arrived

Bailey : Lucy what's
Lucy : he's gone
Bailey : oh Luce I'm so

* every police came they saw Tim

Wade : no
Angela : what'd we do know
Jackson *runs towards to Lucy helps her get up puts her into the ambulance

* Lucy wasn't sleeping all she wanted was Tim

* Lucy was booked into a therapy session as everyone was worried about her

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