I love you

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* Lucy is undercover and she gets busted but she's left fighting for her life

* Lucy texts Tim before she leaves

Lucy - miss you see you soon babe ❤️
Tim - miss you too baby can't wait to see you in 3 days ❤️

* Lucy left and went to the bar she was to meet up with

* Lucy arrives gives drinks to the people

* man whispers to the other man

Man *looks up at her walks to her
Lucy : can I help you
Man : you a cop
Lucy : no of course not
Man : are you a cop
Lucy : no * looks down at her phone - SOS
Man : you're a cop your name isn't Emily right
Lucy : I don't know what you're talking about *goes outside she's worried
Man : officer Chen right
Lucy : no
Man : how do I know I know a girl Monica
Lucy : oh
Man * grabs her
Lucy *fights back

* 2 men grab her inside she gets knocked out

* 3 days later

* Tim is worried Lucy hasn't arrived home

Tim *texts Angela - you heard from Lucy she hasn't text or called me I'm worried Angela
Angela - no nothing let me ask Nyla
Tim - okay

* Angela checked it on Nyla to see if Lucy has contacted her but she hasn't  she texts Tim

Angela - station now it's an emergency it's Lucy
Tim - on my way

* Tim ran out of the house he shut the door and locked it and he ran to his car and got into it and rushed to the station

*20 minutes later

* Tim arrived at the station he parked the car and he shut the door and he ran in the station he sees Angela and he ran to her

* Angela explained to Tim that Lucy hasn't contacted anyone till 3 days ago that was when she text Tim

Tim : are you saying my girlfriend could be in trouble
Nyla : yea we are Tim
Tim : oh my

* meanwhile with Lucy

* she's tied to a Chair she's bruised up and she keeps getting worse she feels like she could hardly breathe

Man : Lucy who do you work for
Lucy * no response
Man : who do you work for
Lucy *tabs her watch on as she's tied up calls Tim

Meanwhile with Tim

Tim *beep : Bradford
Man : Lucy who are you working for
Tim : track this call now
Angela : doing it

* about 30 minutes later

* they had an location

* all of the cops car went to the location

* at the location

* they all broke down the door Tim  shot the 2 men and he ran to Lucy untied Lucy's arms and legs carried her out to the ambulance

* they got into the ambulance and they drove to the hospital

* at the hospital

Bailey : female cop injured she was drugged and she's still responsive

* they Lucy into the room

*  grace healed Lucy put her into a hospital grown

* in Lucy's hospital room

* Tim was finally aloud to sit in Lucy's room

* Tim held her hand

Lucy *begins to wake up: babe
Tim : hey *gets up kisses her forehead: thank god you're okay baby
Lucy : I ... love you
Tim *smiles : I love you too baby

* Tim got into the bed with Lucy wrap arms around her Lucy put her head on Tim's chest and she eventually fell asleep

* Tim eventually fell asleep

* and they  fell asleep in each other's arms

* hope you liked this one shot story 

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