Officer down

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* what if in 6x04 Lucy got shot

* Lucy going after the guy puts her gun up to him he's shooting at her runs to get cover gets shot on the side

Lucy *groans
Angela & nyla run towards Lucy

Angela *runs to Lucy grabs radio : officer down I repeat officer down I need you to inform metro Sargent Tim Bradford officer Chen has been shot
Bailey *runs towards Lucy keeps pressure on the shot wound: Lucy stay with us

* they got Lucy on the bed and put her on the back of the ambulance her partner was driving to the hospital

Bailey : Lucy keep you're eyes open
Lucy : t .... Ti..... Tim
Bailey : he's coming I promise

* they arrived at the hospital they run in with Lucy

Bailey : female woman she's a  police officer shot to the side she's nearly losing consciousness
Grace : okay thanks we'll take it from here

* they rushed Lucy to the bed they opens Lucy shirt cuts Lucy's T-shirt sees the wound they see something they rush Lucy to surgery

* Tim ran in he's still in his metro clothes

Tim : where is she
Angela : Tim
Tim : what happened
Angela : she got shot Tim she's in surgery
Tim : oh my god *sits down
Angela : she's gonna be okay

* 2 hours later

* Grace came out and sees Tim

Tim : is she
Grace : she made it though she's gonna make a good recovery room 7
Tim *ran to room 7 sees Lucy unconscious sits down on the chair and holds Lucy's hand : baby I need you to be okay I can't lose you I I love you
Lucy *groans
Tim : baby
Lucy : h...hey ..... babe
Tim : I love you
Lucy : me too *shuts her eyes
Tim *gets up kisses her forehead
Lucy : marry me
Tim : what
Lucy : let's get married
Tim : yes okay yes let's go it *kisses her hand

* and Lucy was still recovering from that day and Tim and Lucy got married and they had 2 kids named Jack and Levi

* hope you liked this one shot

* if you have any ideas you want me to do let me know

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