Part 2 / lucy saved

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* Aaron found something on Lucy's phone her phone was still on they tracked the last phone call and they Found a location

Tim : spit up I'm going in * I go downstairs I see a guy pointing a gun at Lucy I grab my  radio : 7 100 I've found officer Chen need back up downstairs now * I grab my gun I walk downstairs I point my gun at him: hands up now
Man *grabs Lucy puts gun to her head : any last words Sargent
Tim : there's no way out look at that woman by there unconscious and look at my girlfriend she's bleeding to death stabbed and punched
*Angela Aaron Celina go downstairs
Angela : hands up now your surrounded
Man *let's go of Lucy
Lucy *collapses on the floor
Tim *goes to her : baby I'm here
Aaron : gun on the floor now
Man *puts it on the floor puts his hands on his head
Aaron *puts handcuffs on him
Tim : 7 100 need 2 ambulance at our location

*the ambulance came took Lucy straight to the hospital and the other girl as well

*at the hospital

Bailey : female officer Chen stabbed and punched we've kept her awake I think we're gonna lose her
Grace : got it

*they put her in the emergency room they stopped the bleeding put stitches on the stabbing wound and they patched the bruises on her head and arms

*they brought the other girl in she want breathing they give her CPR but her heartbeat didn't come she died

Grace : Sargent
Tim : is she
Grace : officer Chen is lucky to be alive
Tim : what about the girl
Grace : she didn't make it
Tim : oh god
Grace : yea Lucy is Lucky room 9 Lucy is in
Tim : thanks *I walked to the room I see Lucy unconscious I shut the door and I sit next down the chair next to the bed I hold her hand: baby I hope you're okay I promise you from now on I'm never leaving you I I I love you
Lucy *turns her head : I ... love you too
Tim : you're okay
Lucy : I'm fine babe but a kiss would be nice
Tim *gets up and kisses her
Lucy *kisses back : you know what would make me feel better
Tim : what baby
Lucy : a cuddle
Tim : I won't hurt you
Lucy : no my stitches on my left side babe
Tim *gets in the bed puts arms around her
Lucy *cuddles into his chest : see much better
Tim : I love you baby
Lucy : I love you too babe

* Tim and Lucy spent the day cuddling till they feel asleep

* Lucy was discharged from the hospital and spends the day with Tim they love each other very much

* hope you liked this story

* I've got a new one story  coming soon

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