No no no please you can't take away my husband

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* in this one Tim is arrested as someone reported him of him hitting her but Lucy and Tim have a son named Ollie

* Nolan and Aaron arrive

* Lucy and Tim kissing

Ollie : momma daddy kissing
Lucy *laughs
Tim *kiss Ollie's cheek and tickles him
Ollie *laughing

* door knocked

Lucy *answers it : Nolan
Nolan : I'm sorry for this
Lucy : what
Tim *sees what's going on goes to them puts an arm around her kisses her cheek : hey
Nolan : Tim I'm sorry
Tim : for what
Nolan : Tim Bradford you under arrest for assault you don't have to say anything but if you do say something it'll be against in court
Lucy : no no no he didn't
Tim *puts hands on her cheek : baby i didn't do this okay it's okay
Lucy : you was with me all day
Tim : I know baby
Aaron *puts handcuffs
Ollie : no daddy no
Nolan : Ollie it's okay
Lucy : it's not he's done nothing wrong
Tim : Lucy I love you
Lucy *kisses his lips
Tim *kisses back

* Tim was taken into back of the police car

* Lucy called Jacob he looks after Ollie

Lucy : thank you Jacob
Jacob : no problem go

* Lucy kisses Ollie on the head and goes to her car and goes to the station

* Lucy arrived at the station

* Lucy parked the car and goes inside

Angela : Chen what you
Lucy : Tim was arrested for assault
Angela : what

* Tim was in the cell

* Lucy and Angela go to Wade office

Angela : what the hell is happening with Tim
Wade : this girl reported it okay
Lucy : you know Tim he never hurts anyone
Wade : I know but
Lucy *walks out : open cell 3

* the officer looked at Wade and he nods his head

* the cell opens

Lucy *goes to Tim hugs him
Tim : hey *hugs back
Lucy : please tell me what happened
Tim : couple days ago I arrested someone I had to get this girl off the man as she was hitting him and I think she was mad at me she hit me I had to arrest her
Lucy : that's why you had the bruise
Tim : yea
Lucy : if you do down for something you didn't do I can't survive Ollie can't survive without his dad
Tim *grabs her hand : babe I promise I didn't do this but if I do go down for something I didn't do promise me you'll give Ollie a good life baby promise me
Lucy *crying : I promise
Tim *kisses her : I love you
Lucy : I love you too

* Lucy leaves

Angela : so
Lucy : we need to find out why this girl is lying now apparently Tim had to get this girl off this man was hitting him then the girl hit Tim so he had to arrest her
Angela : let's go

* and they couldn't find anything they needed to
Find something

* it's the next day Tim's court date

* Lucy and Ollie was there

Judge : do we have a sentencing
Man : we do
Judge : is Tim Bradford guilty or not guilty of assault
Man : guilty
Judge : 3 years in prison take him down
Tim : no I didn't do this
Ollie : no daddy
Tim : please one minute With my wife
Judge : fine
Tim * goes down to Ollie : I love you kiddo promise me you will be good for mommy
Ollie : I promise I'm a man of the house now
Tim : yea you are *hugs him goes to Lucy : I love you baby I promise when we get out we'll have our date night
Lucy : I don't care about that all I want is my Husband home
Tim *hugs her kisses her

* they take tim down

Tim : no no no please you can't take away my husband
Aaron *holding her back : it's okay
Lucy *breaks down crying in his arms she falls to the floor
Ollie : daddy no

* Lucy stopped crying and they headed home

* the next day

* Lucy didn't go to work that day because she needed Tim she needed the father of her child here

* 10 days later

* Lucy was a mess Ollie had to stay with Angela and Wesley as Lucy was drinking every night she. Needed Tim

* at the station

Angela : I've got it
Wade : really
Angela : yup

* Angela and Nyla questioned her she admitted she lied and she was arrested she got 5 years and Tim was let to

Angela *sees Tim
Tim : I'm free baby
Angela *laughs : hey
Tim : hey *hugs her : where's my wife
Angela *looks at her
Tim : what's happened
Angela : when you went to prison Lucy tried to keep it together she couldn't I had to take Ollie
Tim : Angela what happened
Angela : she was drinking every day and night
Tim : where is she now
Angela : we had to put her into rehab
Tim : oh god i need to  see her now

* they got into the car and Angela drove to the rehab centre

* they arrive they parked the car and head inside

Woman : Angela hi
Angela : this is Lucy's husband
Woman : good to see you out
Angela : we got the girl she lied how is Lucy today
Woman : bad she won't eat anything I've tried everything
Tim : could l
Woman : of course

* she walked Tim down to Lucy's room

* they head inside

Tim * sees Lucy on the floor she looked a mess I kneel down to her : baby hey
Lucy *looks up it's Tim : hey *puts a hand on her cheek
Lucy : you out
Tim : yes I am the girl lied I'm okay
Lucy *Hugged him : I'm sorry I broke your promise
Tim : no you didn't it's okay
Lucy *was cuddling into his chest

* 1 year later

* Lucy was gonna be okay and she was getting better she and Tim and Ollie was gonna be okay

* hope you liked this one shot story

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