I want mommy

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* Lucy and Tim are married they have 2 kids one named Zoe and one named Levi but Levi is clingy to Lucy he's always been clingy to Lucy since he was a baby he's a mommy's boy and Zoe is a daddy's girl

Lucy : I'm home
Levi *runs towards to door running to Lucy : mommy
Lucy *puts her bag down I pick Levi up put him on my hip : how was school
Levi : good mommy me and my friend made something today
Lucy : that's amazing Levi where's daddy
Levi : with Zoe

*she walks to Zoe bedroom and sees him and Zoe

Zoe : hi mom
Tim : hey you *kisses her
Lucy : so what's going on
Tim : nothing just playing with her
Lucy : how was school Zoe
Zoe : good
Lucy *puts Levi down : play with your sister I'll make food okay
Levi : okay mommy

*Lucy walked to the kitchen she begins to make food

* she made chips and chicken nuggets for them both it's their favourite I made me and Tim pasta with sauce

* they all eat together as a family

* they finished the food Lucy was washing the dishes Tim was drying them

* they finished the dishes

* it was bed time they tucked them in and they went to bed

Levi *opened his parents room and shut the door he climbed in the middle and he cuddled into his mom's arms

* the next morning

Lucy : levi did you sneak in here
Levi : yea mommy I wanted you
Lucy *kisses his head and gets up gets changed into some clothes

* Lucy asked Tim to take the kids to school of course he said yes Lucy kissed both of Levi and Zoe head and left

* at the station

* Lucy was very busy with paperwork and signing them

Tim : hey
Lucy : hey
Tim : Levi didn't go to school okay
Lucy : why
Tim : he wanted his mom
Lucy : well he's a mommy's boy
Tim *laughs : that's right

* it's break time Lucy and Aaron had lunch together

Aaron : so how's the kids
Lucy : they're good Levi though sneak into my room last night
Aaron : he's a mom's boy
Lucy : yea and Zoe's a daddy's girl

*they finished they're lunch and they headed back on the street they arrested 2 drunk people

*end of shift

* Tim went to pick the kids up

*Lucy does some paperwork and leaves to go back to the apartment

*at the apartment

Lucy *opens the door then shuts it takes her coat off
Levi : I want my mommy
Lucy *walks towards Levi room sees him crying : what's going on
Levi *gets up and runs to her
Lucy *picks him up : hey shh it's okay mommy's here
Tim : he wouldn't stop crying for you I tired everything
Lucy : okay *sits down : Levi why do you want mommy you have daddy here
Levi : because I love you
Tim : hey
Levi : I love you too daddy but I want my mommy
Lucy : I can't always be here with you I've got to work to get food on the table and get nice things for you and your sister
Levi : I know mommy

*Lucy changed Levi  into his pyjamas and put him into bed kisses his forehead shut the door a Tiny bit went to Zoe bedroom and kissed her forehead and went to her room and changed into some pyjamas and so did Tim they cuddled together and fell asleep together

*hope you liked this one shot story

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