I love you momma

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* Levi and Lucy have had a bond since he was born they also have a 6 year old named Lily she's a daddy's girl she always have been since she was born

* Lucy and Tim are fast asleep but Lucy gets woken up by one of her kids

* at 2am

Levi *crawls in the middle of her and his dad lays on moms chest
Lucy *opens eyes : Levi baby what's wrong nightmare
Levi : yea that's right momma
Lucy : Levi Thomas Bradford are you lying to me
Levi : yea I just wanted my momma
Lucy : and that's okay *wraps an arm around him he cuddles into her
Levi : night I love you momma
Lucy : good night Levi I love you too

* sorry this is short I hope you liked this one shot story

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