I don't want to celebrate my birthday

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* in this story it's Lucy's first birthday without Jackson they would've been celebrating together Jackson always made a big deal about Lucy's birthday but this birthday Lucy doesn't want to celebrate she misses Jackson very much Tim and Lucy are dating but Tim and to go on a call with his boss

* it's Monday morning and tomorrow is Lucy's birthday

* Lucy had 1 day off she didn't leave the house at all Nolan  called by

Nolan  : so it's your birthday tomorrow Luce
Lucy : I don't want to celebrate it Nolan
Nolan : what why
Lucy : because it's the first birthday without him
Nolan *hugs her : I understand Luce but Jackson want you to celebrate it
Lucy : I know but I can't handle it Nolan I miss him too much I can't handle it
Nolan : does Tim know it's your birthday
Lucy : no and he won't
Nolan : Luce
Lucy : he won't okay
Nolan : okay
Lucy : promise me you won't tell Tim
Nolan : I
Lucy : promise me and promise on Jackson
Nolan : I promise Luce I won't tell him
Lucy : okay thanks

* Nolan left Lucy's apartment

* the next day it's Lucy's birthday

* Lucy decided to work on her birthday

* she got up and changed into some clothes and grabbed her keys phone and bag and headed out she goes to her car and heads to the station

* at the station

Lucy *walks in as sees her boyfriend by Angela's desk she goes into the locker room puts her uniform on and heads out of the locker room I walk into the roll call room

* Wade says there's nothing major going on today says to be save out there

Wade : oh and officer Chen happy birthday
Lucy : uh thanks sir

* they left the roll call room

Tim : baby
Lucy : yea
Tim : why didn't you tell me it's your birthday
Lucy : because it's not a big deal babe * I go to walk away
Tim : Luce why don't you like your birthday
Lucy : because I don't babe I've got to go *kisses his cheek and leaves to go on patrol with Aaron
Nolan *looks at them
Tim * walks to Nolan : Nolan if you know something
Nolan : I don't
Tim : Nolan
Nolan : I can't tell you okay you'll have to find out yourself i promised her I wouldn't tell anyone
Tim : just tell me John
Nolan : I can't I promised her and Jackson okay I can't
Tim *sighs : okay fine I'll figure it out

* Tim was trying to figure out all day why Lucy didn't like her birthday

Angela : you look something is worrying you
Tim : Lucy doesn't like her birthday I don't know why
Angela : it probably has something to do with Jackson
Tim : why ang
Angela : think about it it's the first year without him
Tim : it's her first birthday without him
Angela : yea
Tim : thanks ang

* Lucy got back from she arrested a guy who was fighting

Tim : why didn't you tell me
Lucy : tell you what
Tim : you don't like your birthday because it's the first birthday without Jackson Nolan didn't  tell me he told me to figure it out myself
Lucy : babe can we not
Wade : officer Chen someone at the desk for you

* Lucy walked to the desk sees her mother

Vanessa : Lucy
Lucy : mom
Vanessa : happy birthday * gives her the card
Lucy :  thanks mom I'm gonna get back to work
Vanessa : so how's Jackson
Lucy : I have to go
Vanessa : answer the question Lucy
Lucy : I can't
Vanessa : why not
Lucy : because he's dead mom
Vanessa : on the job right Lucy you have to quit this job
Lucy *feels anger inside she needs to hit something
Tim : I'm gonna ask you to leave mrs Chen * stands in front of Lucy
Vanessa : who are you
Tim : Tim Bradford also her boyfriend
Lucy : Tim
Tim : she'll see you around * grabs Lucy's hand : go and change baby
Lucy *nods

* inside  the locker room

* Lucy changes into her normal clothes and leaves the locker room sees her boyfriend in his normal clothes

* they left the station together they left Lucy's car there till tomorrow

* at Tim's house

* they went inside and says hi to Kojo and goes to the couch and sits down and lays down

* Tim shut the door says hi to Kojo puts his bag and Lucy's bag down he goes to the couch and lays down with her

Tim *puts an arm around her
Lucy : Thanks for today babe
Tim : no problem we don't have to celebrate your birthday but next year we will baby
Lucy : okay I love you
Tim *smiles : I love you too

* hope you liked this one shot story

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