I want you tim

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* Lucy has been emotional because Lucy is 3 months pregnant and Tim knows what to
Do thanks to his best friend Angela

*it's a middle of the night

Lucy *sniffles
Tim : baby what's wrong
Lucy : nothing
Tim *sits up : baby
Lucy : you don't love me
Tim : of course I do baby I love you and this little boot
Lucy : promise
Tim : I promise now come here
Lucy *cuddles into him

*the next day at the station

Angela : how's Lucy
Tim : woke up in the middle of the night crying I asked her what's wrong she said nothing but then she told me she said I didn't love her but I told her I do ang this is gonna be a long year till he or her is born
Angela : trust me it is
Tim *phone goes off : speaking of her she's calling - Lucy baby what's up
Lucy - Tim I want you now
Tim - baby I'm at work I can't come home
Lucy - Tim please *sobs
Tim - I'll have to ask Sargent grey baby
Lucy - please baby
Tim - okay okay I'll ask love you
Lucy -love you too *hangs up

Angela : duty calls
Tim : yep

*Tim asked Sargent grey he said yes

*Tim drive to the apartment and gets out and goes up and opens the apartment door and then shuts it

Tim : baby * I Opens my arms as I know every time I come home she comes into my Arms
Lucy : babe * I run into his Arms : I missed you
Tim : top chef
Lucy : yes top chef * I go to the couch puts it on and presses play
Tim *walks to the couch and sits down and puts arms around her
Lucy *cuddles into him

*they watched top chef together all day till it was time for bed

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