Worried Tim

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* it's Lucy's day off and there's a shooting and a hostage situation but one guy takes Lucy will Tim and the rest of LAPD find her

*Shots fired

Lucy *walks over there she didn't have her off duty weapon she left it in the apartment I walk
Man *grabs her puts her to the floor and knocks her unconscious

*they tie her up and they leave her for a few hours

*couple hours later

Lucy *starts waking up I open my eyes I see a man
Man : well well well look who's awake
Lucy : what do you want
Man : oh I have to hostages she's still unconscious but now I have a cop and I've seen you around with your boyfriend and that teenage kid
Lucy : don't mention them
Man : oh I've found your weak spot
Lucy *kicks him
Man *groans grabs her and kicks her and hits her
Lucy *groans in pain
Man : don't try me officer
*lucy's phone goes off
Man *grabs her phone : oh your boyfriend is calling
Lucy : h... he's gonna find .. me
Man : I doubt it *answers the call
Tim : hey baby how's your day off
Man : hello Sargent
Tim : who are you
Man : I have your little girlfriend here you see I have 2 hostages you have 24 hours to get me ten thousand dollars if you don't your girlfriend dies
Tim : how do I know your lying
Man : go on say something
Lucy : hey babe
Tim : okay I believe you
Man : good you have 24 hours other wise your girlfriend and this hostage will die *hangs up

*meanwhile with Tim

Tim * I was angry I can't lose my girl
Angela : everything okay
Tim : no someone has Lucy and a hostage
Angela : okay what did he say
Tim : I have 24 hours to get ten thousand dollars if I don't Lucy and his other hostage dies
Angela : okay let's tell Sargent Grey

* with Sargent grey

Wade : come in
*Tim and Angela walks in
Angela : Lucy is missing
Tim : I called Lucy I was suspecting Lucy's voice but it was a males voice he's got Lucy and hostage
Wade : okay follow * we all walk out of the office : okay everyone listen up we have a missing officer officer Chen was taken by a male and I want everyone on this case got it
*everyone understand the situation they got onto it
Tim : we have to find her I can't lose her
Angela : you won't I promise we will find her
Tim : we have what do I say to Tamara
Angela : this guy could be after her next so I'll pick her up at college
Tim : okay thanks

*and that's what Angela did she picked Tamara up and headed back to the station

Angela : she's in the roll call room
Tim : do you think I should tell her
Angela : what does your gut say
Tim : Lucy would want me to tell her and I want to
Angela : then tell her
Tim : yea * I walk in the roll call room
Tamara: is Lucy okay
Tim : so Lucy was taken by someone but we are doing everything we can to find her we have to keep you here just in case he decides to come to you
Tamara : okay so uh you'll find her right
Tim : I promise I will

*meanwhile with  Lucy

*lucy got cut and stabbed she was nearly dead

Man : I guess it's goodbye *points gun ready to shoot
Tim : hands where I can see them
Man *grabs Lucy puts gun by her head say goodbye Sargent

*oh no is Lucy gonna be okay

*let me know if you want part 2

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