Part 4 / telling lucy

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* it's the next morning and Tim told everyone that she doesn't remember and he says she only remembers Jackson the doctor said he can tell her but it has to be careful

Lucy *opens her eyes turn her head sees Tim
Tim : hey
Lucy : hi you stayed
Tim : yep I wasn't going to leave you
Lucy : thanks
Tim : for what doing my job as a boyfriend
Lucy : did I use to say that
Tim : yea when you got hurt on the job and I stayed with you you always use to say thanks

* the nurse got Lucy some toast and a water

* Lucy eat her toast and drank her Water

* the nurse took it away

Lucy : Tim
Tim : yea
Lucy : you said you'll tell me about Jackson
Tim : yea okay * I grab her hand : Luce you asked about Jackson yesterday remember
Lucy : yea
Tim : baby couple years ago there was a accident
Lucy : what kind of accident
Tim : some bad people took Angela and Jackson angeka was taken from some bad people but Jackson * I stopped taking I put my head down
Lucy * put my hands on his chin and lift it up : what happened please tell me
Tim : a guy shot Jackson in the back
Lucy : is he okay
Tim : he died Luce
Lucy * I look at him I couldn't believe it my best friend was gone : no it's not true * tears fall Down my face
Tim * I get up : baby I'm so sorry it's true Angela is okay but we caught the guy he's in prison for it
Lucy *nods : tim
Tim : yea
Lucy : I want you in here
Tim : you sure
Lucy : please
Tim : okay * I get in the bed put an arm around her
Lucy *puts head in chest and for some reason I feel comfortable I feel save
Tim * kisses her head

* couple hours later

* Lucy got discharged and they head to Lucy's apartment

* inside the apartment

Tim *opens the door
Lucy *steps inside
Tim *shuts the door puts the bag on the floor next to the chair : you okay
Lucy : yea fine so where's my roommate
Tim : probably college Luce
Lucy *nods

* Tim showed everything to Lucy in the apartment but she didn't remember anything but Lucy wanted to know there the station was so Tim decided to take her there

* at the station

* they got out of the car

Tim *walks in with Lucy
Lucy : this is where I work
Tim : yea it'll take time
Lucy : so do I have any friends here
Tim : yea of course probably in the snack room

* in the snack room

* Angela , Nyla , Nolan are there

Tim: hey
Angela: Tim
Lucy *stands next to Tim
Angela : we know you can't remember anything but we can make you remember
Tim : ang what are you thinking
Angela : we should remind Lucy want happened on the first shift
Tim : fine but tomorrow okay
Angela : fine I'm Angela
Lucy : your detective
Angela: yea I am *phone beeps : Duty calls *leaves the room
Nyla : hey I'm nyla we are good friends
Lucy : you and Angela work together
Nyla : yeah and you actually want to be a detective one day
Lucy : I hope I do when I start to remember
Nyla : one day you will Lucy  I've also got to go Angela and I are work partners
Tim : okay
*Nyla  leaves the room
Nolan : hi I'm
Lucy : Nolan
Nolan : you remember
Lucy : I don't know how I knew
Tim : some things comes back when you make contact it must have had a feeling after all he is your best friend
Lucy : I thought Jackson was
Tim : you have 2 best friends
Lucy : oh okay
Nolan : okay I have a girlfriend she's Bailey the firefighter you actually told me to ask her out
Lucy : was l
Nolan : yea
Lucy *nods
Nolan : anyway I have to find my rookie see you tomorrow Lucy And Tim *leaves the room

* Tim and Lucy left the station and went back to the apartment

* Lucy and Tim eat Thai food together Lucy's phone vibrates

Tamara - know you don't remember but I'm staying at a friends tonight I'll see you tomorrow Lucy
Lucy - yea sure be safe Tam even know I can't remember I can make new ones see you tomorrow

*Lucy put her phone down

Tim : I'll sleep on the couch
Lucy *looks at him

* flashback

Tim : I'll take the couch
Lucy : wait I thought you were setting that up for me
Tim : no I'm not gonna let a guest sleep on the couch
Lucy : I'm not gonna kick you out of your own bed come on get up
Tim : okay *gets up : do you need anything
Lucy : the less 24 hours back
Tim : I'm afraid I don't have that power
Lucy : a hug
Tim *goes to her hugs her
Lucy *hugs back
Tim *removes from the hug looks at her was about to do something : night
Lucy : night

* end of flashback

Tim : Luce baby
Lucy : huh what
Tim : I'll take the couch
Lucy : no I trust you take the bed with me
Tim : if you're sure

* they shut the bedroom door

* Tim changed into a T-shirt and some shorts he left then at Lucy's as he stayed the night a couple days Ago

* lucy changed into the bathroom into some T-shirt and some shorts

* they got into bed

Lucy ; shit her eyes and falls asleep
Tim *kisses her forehead : goodnight baby I love you * shut my eyes and fall asleep

* is Lucy staring to remember

* let me know if you want part 5

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