I'm in love with you

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* Tim and lucy are childhood friends and they are neighbours when they grow up they fall in love

*age 6

* Lucy and Tim have been having fun they have been best friends for years Lucy and Tim couldn't imagine they're life without each other

Lucy : let's make a promise
Tim : okay
Lucy : whatever happens when we grow up we have each other's backs
Tim : promise
Lucy : promise

*age 12

* Tim had his first girlfriend at 12 Lucy didn't her she didn't understand why she was feeling this way

Tim : hi
Lucy : hey
Tim : what's wrong
Lucy : nothing I'm fine
Tim : is it Rachel
Lucy : no she's fine
Tim : you'd tell me if something wrong right
Lucy : of course

* they hang out with each other after school

* age 16

* Lucy had her first boyfriend Tim didn't like him but couple days later Lucy found out what he did he cheated on her Tim was angry and mad nobody hurts Lucy

* Tim threatened him to stay away from Lucy or he'll do something and he agreed he didn't go anywhere near Lucy Tim stood by Lucy through her heartbreak

*age 22

* Tim was married to Isabell but she left him and Lucy was there to comfort him they found out why because she has an addiction

* Lucy stood by him

* age 23

* Tim was divorced he was in a relationship with Ashley but he ended it with her

* Lucy was in a relationship with Chris but they ended it

Jackson : Luce think about why you don't have a relationship with anyone
Lucy *thinks : I don't know
Jackson : because you're in love with Tim
Lucy : oh my I am
Jackson : yea you are go get your man
Lucy *laughs she ran to Tim's house

* at Tim's house

*door knocks

Tim *answers it : Luce hey I
Lucy *kisses him
Tim *puts hands on her waist and kisses her back

*about an hour later they

*pulled away form the kiss

Lucy *looks at him : I'm in love with you
Tim *smiles : I am too
Lucy : you are
Tim : I have been since we were kids
Lucy : but you didn't say anything
Tim : I thought you didn't like me that way
Lucy : I do
Tim *pulls her into him kisses her and shut the door and they made their way to the couch and they kisses each other

* a year later

* Tim and Lucy was married they had 2 kids Levi and Noah 2 boys

Lucy *screams
Tim * ran in : what is it baby
Lucy : I'm pregnant *shows him the test
Tim : I'm gonna be a dad again
Lucy : yea
Tim *kisses her
Lucy *kisses him back

*year later

* Lucy and Tim had a baby it was a girl they named it Zoe after their old captain who died they were all a happy family

* I had this idea from Chenford8989898989 hope you liked it

* hope you liked his one shot story if you have any ideas let me know

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