I like you part 1

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* Tim and Lucy have have been ignoring each other since they went undercover together they had some feelings towards each other but they won't admit it

Angela : so you gonna tell me why you and Lucy are ignoring each other
Tim : we're not ignoring each other
Angela : really what happened when you went undercover
Tim : nothing I've got to go *walks pass her

* Angela thought that was weird so she goes to Lucy

Angela : so you and Tim
Lucy : what about me and Tim
Angela : you two are ignoring each other so tell me what's going on
Lucy : nothing I gotta go * I walk pass him

* Angela thought that was weird she knew something must have happened between them whist undercover

*it's end of shift and Lucy and Chris are arguing outside the station and Tim sees them but till Chris does something Tim gets protective

Lucy : how many times I broke it off because I don't love you now leave me alone
Chris : it's to do with Bradford
Lucy : no now leave * I go to walks away
Chris *grabs her arm tightly
Lucy : leave my arm go your hurting me
Tim *sees them I run over I walk between them Chris let her go
Chris : here he is your boyfriend
Tim : and what if I was
Lucy *looks at him surprised
Tim : now leave before I get you arrested

* he left without any question

Tim *looked at her : wanna tell me what happened
Lucy *looks at him hugs him
Tim : hey it's ok
Lucy : thanks
Tim : your welcome

*they hugged for a while they went to grab food with each other

* at the food truck they sat down and eat and Tim started to talk

Tim : Luce
Lucy : yea
Tim : I like you a lot and I
Lucy *kisses him
Tim *kisses back puts hand on her cheek
Lucy *pulls away : I like you to Sargent Bradford
Tim : good officer Chen now will you go on a date with me
Lucy : yes yea I will

* they smiled at each other and they eat together and talked

*I hope you liked this one short chapter

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