Lucy chen will you make me the happiest man and marry me baby

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* Tim has been thinking about proposing to Lucy he already had a ring he bought it 2 weeks ago Tamara and Angela came with me

*at the station in his office

Tim *looks at the ring in the desk
Lucy *knocks the office
Tim *shuts the box and then puts it in his pocket : Enter
Lucy *opens door : hey
Tim : hi baby you okay
Lucy *goes to him : so I was thinking date night tonight
Tim : of course baby tonight
Lucy : yea
Tim : I'll see you after shift
Lucy : okay love you
Tim : forgetting something
Lucy : oh sorry *kisses his lips : bye babe *leaves the office
Tim : that was a close one *pulls the desk top open puts the ring in it and then shuts it pulls his phone out texts the group chat

Tim - I'm doing it tonight
Tamara - really ok
Angela- okay good luck remember don't forget the ring
Tim - don't worry I won't
Wade - good luck Tim
Tim - thanks sir

*end of shift

Tim grab the ring went back to his home and changed into a dark blue shirt and a black jacket black trousers and a black belt and I put my gun in the the back of my shirt I lift it up I cover it puts the ring in his pocket

*at Lucy's apartment

* I change into a green dress Tim's favourite dress

* Tim picked her up took her into the car he drove to the restaurant

*at the restaurant

*they both ordered sea bass

*they talked and laughed but Tim was getting more nervous

*they had dessert they asked for the bill and now it's Time for the proposal they walked for while

Tim : you remember when we first met
Lucy : yea you were stubborn and you asked me a Tim test
Tim : yea I did but I always knew you'd make a good cop
Lucy : and you didn't know I'd be your girlfriend
Tim *laughs : yea I didn't know baby but your know it was worth it
Lucy *nods : it was worth it babe
Tim : Lucy Chen I have loved you since I fell in love with you you've always been by my side and you've always been there when I'm sad happy or stressed you always make me happy Luce I can't wait what the future holds so * I pull the ring box out I go on one knee I open the box : Lucy Chen will you make me the happiest man and marry me baby
Lucy : yes yes yes
Tim *puts the ring on her finger
Lucy *kisses him
Tim *kisses back
Lucy : I'm your fiancé
Tim : oh yea you are baby

*they walked back to the car drove back to the apartment

*Tim parked the car and headed inside the apartment open the door then shuts it

*Tim and Lucy changes into some comfy clothes they cuddle up together in bed

Lucy *was falling asleep
Tim : goodnight baby
Lucy : goodnight babe
Tim : love you *kisses forehead
Lucy : love you too *falls asleep
Tim *falls asleep

*they fell asleep in each other's arms

*let me know if you want part 2 of Them telling their friends and if you want Tim meeting Lucy's parents

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