Dad mom i love Tim

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*Tim is meeting Lucy's parents but Lucy's parents don't except him

*they are waiting for Lucy mom they ordered her parents 2 coffees

Vanessa : Lucy
Lucy : mom we got coffee for you
Vanessa: thank you *sits down
Patrick *sits down : so who's this
Lucy : mom dad this is Tim my boyfriend
Tim : it's nice to meet you
Patrick *looks at Tim : how'd you meet
Lucy : work
Vanessa : he's a police officer great
Patrick says in Spanish : Lucy, ¿por qué no te quedaste con Chris? Fue genial. Este tipo no es. Vamos
* if you guys don't know Spanish it says  Lucy what didn't you stay with Chris he was great this guy isn't come on
Lucy : dad Tim knows Spanish
Tim : I do sir you may not like me and you don't have to but i love your daughter
Vanessa : he's a police officer you can't date
Tim : I'm actually a Sargent
Patrick : that's even worse dating your boss
Lucy : no stop you don't get to insult my boyfriend and plus he's in metro that's not even your business okay mom dad I love Tim and he's gonna be my boyfriend till he asks me to marry him so like it or not Tim is with me and he's stuck with me * I grabs his hand and run out
Tim *kisses her against the truck : I love you
Lucy : i love you too babe
Tim : sushi for tea and then we can finish what we started
Lucy : yes

*they got in the truck went to get sushi and then went back to the apartment and eat it and they finished off what happened earlier

*hope you liked this chapter

* can't believe I'm writing this story at midnight hope you liked the story

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