Chapter 2

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Celine Haufftner

Finally, after a long flight, one hell of an encounter with a stranger, and no food. Knocking firmly onto Liam's door, I waited until I heard his stride and steps get closer and louder.

"There you are." He smiled, holding my jaw and pulling me in for a kiss. Hell no. Not until he apologised for leaving me stranded at the airport. I moved an inch away before our lips met and his eyes searched for an answer in mine. He didn't need to, the answer was in my mouth.

"You didn't come and get me you idiot!" I shoved him in the chest, though he barely moved. Even in the brief moment where my palms braced his hard chest, I could tell he'd been working out. He always does. It's either basketball or the gym.

You're angry at him Celine, remember? I had to remind myself.

"I know, I'm sorry! I had a plan but I overslept." He pulled me in despite my fighting, and hugged me by my waist. I melted instantly. He had that effect on me.

"I'm still angry. And hungry." I complained into his chest, his hold around me still tight. I also gave up my struggle and wrapped my arms around him. Snuggling his head into my shoulders, he softly requested for me to let him enjoy the moment a little more. I happily obliged.

Taking my luggage, and my hand in the process, he led me into his apartment. I had only ever seen it through video calls and pictures. Standing inside felt different. Walking around, I examined everything about the place. The high ceilings, tall windows letting a vast amount of sunlight in, the small but cosy layout, a leather couch littered with pillows of every colour, and a decent sized kitchen. I had never step foot inside, but it already felt familiar.

"What are you making?" I asked, moving behind him when I smelt the delicious aroma. If there's anything I loved more about him, it's that he could cook. And he could cook well. Almost as good as a Michelin star restaurant, but I never told him that. He might become complacent.

"Pasta, your favourite." He showed me the pan. God, my stomach grumbled at the sight. He must have heard it because he immediately plated it and served it to me as I sat comfortably.

While shoving it down my throat, the irritation burning inside slowly dies out.

Irritation, hunger, jet lag. My hunger had been cleared, and in the midst of it, so did my irritation. Though the jet lag still remained, and I desperately wanted to jump into the bed. Even if I didn't sleep, I wanted to be in Liam's arms.

"How is it?" He asked, arms crossed on the countertop, hyper focused on my eating. Smiling with a mouthful of pasta, I nodded. He knew it was good, but he always needed me to confirm it.

"Bed?" I asked, and he obliged.


I think I just took the best nap in my life. Snuggled up in his comforter, his arms around my waist while my back was against his front. It hasn't been long since we'd seen each other, but I missed his touch nonetheless. Nothing was the same as the feeling Liam provided me. Safety, comfort, love.

"Up already?" He whispered behind me. Nodding, I rolled over to look at him. God he was so perfect. Every single inch.

Holding his face in my two small hand, I quickly placed my lips on his. His lips always felt so soft, the taste of mint lingering on it. It made me wonder what the man did to have such cushioned lips. Lip scrub? Lip balm? I haven't figured it out, and maybe I never will.

"So... what are the plans for tonight?" I asked against his lips.

"Well, I know how much you like to party." He wiggled his brows. I swear, almost everyone who knows me thinks all I like to do is party. Well, newsflash people, I own a bookstore, I have a life. I'm not just a party girl. Even if I did love to drink and club, it didn't define me. But I knew what Liam meant. I enjoyed parties as much as the female gender enjoys shopping. Which is a lot. And I would never turn down an opportunity to go to one.

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