Chapter 24

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Celine Haufftner

"Don't crash the car," Liam handed me the keys to the Porsche. I snatched it and assured him that I was an excellent driver. Liam was going to pick up his old Honda that was apparently as good as new. I was surprised, that car looked like it had seen its last days. The mechanic must be a miracle worker for fixing it up. Today was Ella's discharge day and as a great friend slash sister figure, I decided to pick up some of her favourite cupcakes as a little gift. And I secretly really wanted an excuse to drive the Porsche.

Back in London, I didn't have my own car. I drove my father's a few times, but he refused to buy me one of my own. It was one of the few things that, till this day, that I've yet to convince him to buy. He always said that I'd get myself into a world of trouble if I had my own car, and I'd always adamantly oppose, but he was just as stubborn as I was so I gave up after a while.

"Oh before I forget, here." Liam handed me an invite before I got into the car. "One of my friends wanted me to cook for their wedding after party. Something simple, but the pay is good. They also invited me to the wedding and said I could bring a date." I held up the gold foiled wedding invite and my mind wandered to when the day Liam and I would be handing out invites of our own.

"Hello? Earth to Celine?" He snapped. I shook my head and kept the invite in my bag.

"Sorry!" I said, reaching for the car door.

"You better not daydream like that while driving," he warned and I, again, told him I'd be more than fine. He was such an over thinker.

Sitting inside the car, I waved Liam goodbye. Smoothing my hands over the wheel, I felt a spike in adrenaline already. My father's cars were all boring, because like the man he is, he prioritised function over look. Like I said, boring. Smiling, I started the car and stopped at the bakery and picked up a dozen Oreo cupcakes. I personally preferred vanilla, but Ella absolutely loved anything Oreo. So, Oreo it was. Placing the box in the passenger seat beside me, I reopened the GPS on my phone and headed to the hospital. She didn't get discharged until a little later but I figured it's better to be early.

As I'm driving through the city, blasting Taylor Swift's Lover album, one of my all time favourites, through my phone, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye.

What the fuck?

I would've rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't seeing things if I weren't driving. A man who looked just like Liam was walking on the street beside the road. Though that couldn't be possible. Liam should be on his way to the mechanic, picking up his Honda. And he wouldn't walk, unless he'd gone insane. Yet the man walking on the street looked just like my boyfriend. Different clothes, but the exact face. Like someone had 3D printed a Liam 2.0 and chucked him in some jeans and a leather jacket. Totally un-Liam like.

My mind distracted, I didn't notice when a car came towards me. I swerved, and nearly avoided any impact, but the other driver was too fast, his vehicle hit the side of the Porsche. I felt my body jerk roughly in front, my head colliding with the steering wheel. I was still conscious but everything hurt and my vision blurred.

With my head throbbing uncontrollably, I could only faintly hear the wailing noises of an ambulance. It got louder and louder and louder.

But before I could even fully register what happened, everything turned dark.


I woke up on a hospital bed with my head bandaged. The police questioned me a while later after I felt a bit better. Turns out the other driver had run a red light and, thank god, I hadn't broken any traffic laws, even in my distracted state. Otherwise, today could really hold the trophy for worst day in my life. Getting into an accident with the possibility of going to jail or getting a fine, - yup. It would definitely rank at least top three in worst days Celine Haufftner has ever experienced. I let out a soft sigh of relief once the police left. I looked around me and noticed my bag on the bedside table. Phew, at least I still had all my things. Though the poor cupcakes. They must be unsalvageable.

A while later, the doctor examined me again and told me I had a few minor cuts, and had hit my head. So for the latter, they insisted on monitoring me for a day at least. I thought back on the drive and still couldn't figure out what I saw - a second Liam. But my head was still in pain, so I decided not to think of it, for now.

Then I remembered something else.

"Don't crash the car." I groaned. I had done exactly that. From what I heard it wasn't that badly damaged, but how unscathed could it be after being hit head on by another vehicle? Looks like I now owed Liam's friend a Porsche. The amount of money didn't matter, but I still felt really bad. If I'd been a bit more careful and attentive, none of this would have happened.

I rubbed my fingers against my temple before reaching my phone. I figured Liam would want to know that his girlfriend had gotten into an accident, and wrecked his friends car. Maybe he'd have to make another trip to that miracle worker of a mechanic.

I heard the phone ring for a few minutes when it went to voicemail. Strange. I tried again but the same thing happened. It was like déjà vu from the club incident. But this time I was actually in trouble. And he was still no where to be found.

I attempted to call a third time but before I could even be brought to the dreaded voicemail, I heard an all too familiar voice from the doorway of my ward.

"You really are trouble, aren't you?"

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