Chapter 23

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Celine Haufftner

Since visiting Ella yesterday, I never managed to ask Liam what I wanted to ask.

"Why have you been acting so weird lately?"

He had also wanted to tell me something, but he hasn't brought it up again. Until he did, I figured I'd just stick to what I'd been doing. Observing. Since the ring, there hadn't been anything else weird, so since the picnic, I convinced myself that it was just a one-off incident. People made mistakes, and some mistakes happened to be forgetting a piece of jewellery. Big deal. I pushed gut away the past few days and followed my heart instead. Which continuously told me that I was overthinking. And so, I left it. I had more faith in our relationship to destroy a year of trust just because of suspicion that bloomed from a few incidents. To be specific, a phone call and a forgotten ring. Maybe I was just getting paranoid.

Today, Liam had to go to a clients that was pretty far, and would take longer than usual. So I made him drop me off at the hospital where I decided I would spend the afternoon with Ella.

An hour of chatting, watching Ella gag over the hospital's supposed "disgusting lunch", which I didn't argue about considering the food piled on the tray didn't exactly look very appetising, and gossiping about Chase whilst he sat in the corner listening, she fell asleep. Checking my phone, I noticed I had half an hour, maybe 45 minutes left till Liam ended work. Factoring in the time it took for him to travel, I'd have another hour with Chase and Ella. But seeing as Ella was sleeping so soundly I was sure a hurricane wouldn't wake her, I was stuck with just Chase.

"I won't bite, trouble," his deep voice echoed in the enclosed room. I was still sitting by Ella's bed on a chair that was more uncomfortable than I wanted to admit and Chase was sat on the couch. I wanted to move and give my butt some reprieve from the hard plastic I had been sitting on, but Chase and I weren't exactly close. And the couch wasn't exactly large.

That being said, he shifted himself to allow a decent amount of space for me. Taking that as a cue, I moved and relaxed into the soft cushioned seat. My butt happily thanked me. Chase kept his gaze on his phone while I kept my gaze on him. From afar, his features were so god-like it hurt. But up-close, I might as well be dead. The way the sun shone on his very best features, like god was providing him his very own spotlight, as if his face wasn't already illuminating on its own. The one thing about Chase Kennedy other than his athleticism and genius, was the fact that he was god damn good looking and he knew it. Pushing away the thoughts instantly, I slapped myself internally. I could not be swooning over Chase Kennedy.

"Take a picture trouble. It'll last longer." He smirked. He must have looked up while I was too caught up in my thoughts. Quickly looking away, I cursed beneath my breath and regained composure. A guy like Chase didn't need anyone else adding fuel to his ever growing ego. It was already big enough I feared it was overflowing from his body.

"Don't be delusional Chase," I retorted. Not my best, but I tried. He laughed and leaned towards me slightly. The small closure of space made my breath hitch, but I shook off any unwanted feelings.

"So, how are things with Liam." I didn't expect him to ask me that, but it was better than him rubbing the fact that I'd been gaping at him in my face, so I answered plainly.

"We're good." He looked at me almost like he thought I was lying, but left it at that.

Since I didn't know much about him, I thought it'd be interesting to ask a few things that I was curious about. Besides we had an hour to kill, so I might as well take the opportunity and use it to my advantage. Or at least get to know him a little better than the stories Ella had told me. Maybe if finally get a glimpse of the real Chase. The one hidden beneath his arrogant and cold facade.

"What about you? Are you dating?" I asked.

"Why? Interested?" I fake gagged and heard him chuckle before he explained that he wasn't dating. Ella was right, he was more virgin than I thought. At least in the dating department. In the other department, let's just say I'm not that curious. And I didn't want my breakfast to make an appearance in front of Chase.

"Why not? You look like the kind that has a shit ton of exes, and crazy ones too. Gotta date those that match your energy, right Chase?" I taunted. It was fun teasing him.

"I don't believe in love and all that sappy shit. It's a waste of time, and time is money trouble." He said in a matter of fact tone. "And I wouldn't dare date a crazy girl. I'm afraid she'd remind me too much of you, and we can't have that can we?" I shoved him in the arm at the insult of calling me crazy. If anything, I was patient. At least when it came to maintaining my relationships. Unless someone really stepped on my toes, I made sure to be reasonable.

"Why don't you believe in love?" Anyone and everyone I have encountered in life has either dreamed of love or longed for it, if not both. But to see someone who didn't believe in it at all? It was strange. Especially since I believed in love more than anything in the world. I mean, without love, life seemed to be more mundane than it already was. Love provided thrill, when needed, warmth, happiness in a way nothing else could match, and safety. To me, love was a necessity more than a want.

"Because I don't." Wow, cryptic much. I didn't probe much because our conversations rarely made it past 5 minutes without us either breaking into an argument or a war of insults where neither wanted to wave the white flag and for some reason I really wanted to make it past 5 minutes. So, I changed the subject.

"Do you always look after Ella?" I looked at her, still sleeping peacefully.

"Most of the time. My mother and father divorced when Ella was really young, and ever since they've been dating different people constantly. Ella was bouncing between mum and dad because of shared custody until I offered to look after her. She was always overlooked and I didn't want her to get neglected or hurt. Sometimes she goes to my mums place, if and when she's in town, but other than that, she stays with me." I was so caught up in listening to Chase that I didn't realise how much he was sharing with me. Usually our conversations weren't intimate in the least, but I think it's safe to say we've progressed beyond that today. Talking about love, family issues. Chase and I felt just like friends catching up. How we got to this point in our...relationship, I don't know. But I was happy we were no longer at each others throats. It was a nice change.

"Sorry, didn't mean to ramble." He muttered, snatching me from my thoughts and back to reality. My god, Chase spilling the beans on his family situation, and now apologising. The universe was spoiling me today.

"It's okay. It's nice that Ella still has her big brother looking out for her. I can tell she feels lonely sometimes." I smiled softly at him. It was true. I hadn't spent much time with Ella, but during the times I did, I could always spot a sliver of loneliness among the happiness in her eyes. But at least she had Chase, who seemed more than happy to look after her.

"Thanks." He smiled back.

Woah universe. Don't spoil me too much, or I'll get used to it.

"Careful Chase. We're becoming beyond civil. Any more and I'll think you want to be my friend," I joked. He laughed, and as if on cue, my phone rang.

An hour was up. Ella was still asleep, which meant that Chase and I managed to hold a conversation for 55 minutes more than our record. Pretty impressive if you asked me.

"Today marks a pretty historical moment in civilisation doesn't it?" I stood up once Liam notified me he was at the pick up point.

"Celine Haufftner and Chase Kennedy, chatting like actual friends for 60 minutes without it leading to a third world war. Note it down, it's one for the history books." I grinned and walked off.

As I walked out, I could feel my steps were lighter. More than that, I felt lighter. Somehow talking to Chase had that effect, at least when we're not trying to insult one another every minute.

Chase Kennedy wasn't just an asshole after all.

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