Chapter 7

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Liam Reid

That was too close. Way too close. One second later and I'd have been caught red handed. Though the best case scenario would have been Celine never hearing me in the first place.

"We should go back there soon. Ella was really disappointed to see me leave." Celine said, leaning back onto the seat as I drove to our dinner spot for the night. She wanted to try some pizza, so that's where we were going. I held my hand on her thigh and hummed in response, thinking of ways to be more careful. Maybe I should get a burner phone. No, that'd only be more suspicious if she ever found it.

"Are you listening?" She asked, and quickly turned my head to nod. I had to snap out of it, or I'd blow my own cover.

"Here we are." I opened her door and helped her out.

"Maybe we should just get it to go. You seem distracted." She suggested, and I agreed. If we stayed to eat, she'd only fixate on how much I wasn't listening.


That night, I could barely sleep. With the possibility of being caught now threatening to be more dangerous than I thought, my mind was weighed down. Holding Celine tighter, I tried my best to close my eyes, count to a hundred or something, and fall asleep. Just then, I felt the vibration of my phone.

Quickly, I moved over. It was the last person I expected it to be.

"What do you want Chase?" I asked. It was nearly 2 in the morning, he had no business calling me, unless it was an emergency.

"Explain yourself Liam." He said. Confused, I asked what the hell he was talking about. Surely he couldn't have figured out my secret? I hadn't left behind any loose strings as far as I knew. I'd been careful. More than careful. I'd been discreet.

"Don't act dumb." He replied, still beating around the bush. "I saw your phone. The message. What the fuck are you doing?"

Shit shit shit.

But something didn't add up. Chase must have seen the message when Celine and I were there. Fuck me, it must have been when I left the phone out by the counter. Why didn't he say something then? He couldn't stand Celine, and the revelation of my secret would have destroyed her. He would have enjoyed that, seeing her upset.

"Why are you waiting until now to ask? You could've exposed me in front of everyone." I asked, though deep down I knew the answer. Chase Kennedy wasn't just a basketball pro, he was also an internet expert. One of the best. Anything you wanted to find on the internet, he'd find it. No matter how hard. And he wasn't above hacking either, that's how he earned his wealth. He must have waited for us to leave before he dug up everything we'd been hiding. Because if there's anything Chase hated, it was being lied to. And if done exactly that, and worse.

"It's not my secret to reveal, Liam. Or should I even call you that?" Fuck. I ran my fingers through my curls. Chase had seen through our act, despite our efforts. He really had figured it out.

Every. Fucking. Thing.

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