Chapter 17

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Celine Haufftner

"Hi!" I happily greeted Ella while trying to ignore the 6ft1 presence behind her lurking like a shadow.

"Hello to you too trouble," Chase leaned against his door and smirked. That stupid nickname. Faking a smile, I followed Ella who was eager to show me some of her new make up.

She had gotten better since I last saw her, and this time, instead of just make up, she insisted on showing me some of her new clothes. Though her voice was happy whenever she tried on something new, I could sense a hint of sadness in her chirpiness.

"What's wrong?" She finished twirling around in her new dress before I patted an empty spot next to me for her to sit. Playing with the edges of her dress, I tried to slowly probe, but not too much. I didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

"It's just, my mum always buys me new clothes and make up but she never talks to me. I've seen other girls with their mothers at the mall. Talking, laughing, while I'm just following behind with five bags of new things. They all look at me in envy, when really, I'm jealous of them." My heart tugged at her confession. No little girl, even if they were turning into teenagers, enjoyed feeling invisible, especially when they were with their mother. Mothers should be an ever present figure, the first person a child should be able to turn to. It seemed to me, however, that Ella's mother preferred to show her affection through material goods instead. Though that's what my parents did too, we weren't without the occasional family dinners and movie nights. I had material things, but I also had maternal love. Something Ella seemed too long for desperately.

Pulling her in by her shoulders, I jotted my phone number on a sticky note and told her that if she ever wanted someone to talk and laugh with, that I was here.

"I'm definitely not old enough to be your mother. But, I am old enough to pretend to be whatever you want me to be. Fake sister, fake mother, just say the word." I laughed, and so did she. I could tell she needed it, so I gave her a warm hug, as warm as I could give. She deserved every ounce of warmth I could provide and more. I couldn't imagine a life with a semi-absent parent.

"Hate to interrupt this lovely moment, but I got pizza," Chase coughed by Ella's door.


We spent the next hour eating and laughing, and somehow, the presence of Chase wasn't as insufferable. He didn't tease me, other than the occasional jokes, and he most definitely didn't pull any tricks.

"Hey" I yelled. Don't speak too soon, or the universe would prove you wrong. He had accidentally spilt a cup of water onto me. I saw the glint in his eyes. The chances of it being an accident were slim to none.

"What is wrong with you Chase? You're a basketball player, I'd expect you to have some degree of hand eye coordination, freak," I scolded. Drinking whatever was left in his cup, I followed his eyes as it went lower, lower and lower.

"Shit." I noticed just where his eyes had travelled to.

"Eyes up here," I slapped his arm. Great, I can't wear designer clothes around him, nor could I wear anything white. The water had completely soaked my chest, causing my shirt to now be translucent. Of course, I chose the worst day to wear one of my most scandalous bras. Dark red trimmed with lace. What was I thinking? With Chase Kennedy, I had to consider even the choice of underwear.

Whistling at the sight, I shoved his chest and tried to dry it manually.

"Pervert," I shot at him, crossing my arms over my chest to hide the sight from his wandering eyes and smirking expression.

"You overestimate yourself trouble. I've fucked girls with breasts more impressive," he bragged. Though I didn't care, my breasts were perfect to me. And they were all natural.

"Of course you have. How many have you slept with ? 10? 20? Or has your body count already reached the triple digits?" I taunted. Ella mentioned she'd never seen him with a girl, but I knew better. He has definitely fucked more than once.

"Jealous?" He cocked his brows.

"You wish. I-"

"Do you like her?" Ella suddenly spoke before I could finish my sentence, and Chase spit out the water in his mouth.

"Chase!" I yelled, the water getting all over me. Again. I needed to take a long shower later to thoroughly remove all traces of Chase and his saliva. He was so disgusting!

"The boys at school always whistle at Ashley Jenson. She's the most popular and rumour has it everyone has a thing for her," she continued. I was honoured that Ella compared me to her school's it girl, but pairing me with Chase? I felt immediately downgraded. There was no denying his insane looks, but his jerk-like personality overshadowed it all.

"Trust me sis, I do not like her," he pretended to gag. The feeling was most definitely mutual.

"Yeah. Even if he was the last man on earth I'd happily resort to cannibalism than be with him," I shuddered at the thought. He flipped me off and I gladly returned the favour. We never seemed to be able to end any of our interactions amicably.

Just then, I heard my phone ring - it must be Liam. Placing my phone in my back pocket, I grabbed my purse and told Ella I hoped to see her again, ignored Chase, and made my way out.

"Wait." I turned around. Chase looked at my shirt and back to me.

"What?" What could he possibly want from me now? Payment for the pizza? I didn't think he was that petty.

"You're not going out in that shirt are you?" He asked, referring to the obvious outline of red. Folding my arms again to cover it as best as I could, I retorted by telling him that I wasn't going anywhere anyway. Rolling his eyes, he told me to stay put. Two minutes later, an unidentified object flew right into my face. Typical Chase, can't even hand me something like a decent human being.

"Here, put this over." Holding it up, I recognised the shirt. It was the same one he wore when he gave me a ride at the airport. Staring down, knowing the huge wet patch wouldn't be drying anytime soon, I reluctantly put his shirt over mine. I'd usually never be caught dead in this, but I guess it is better than everyone in the city baring witness to my lingerie.

Finally parting ways, I stopped at the entrance. No longer was Liam in his old Honda. Instead, a Porsche took its place.

Getting in, I didn't even need to question him before he told me everything that happened.

Looks like we were driving a Porsche for the next week.

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