Chapter 39

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Liam Reid


"Well, I'm here to claim it."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Leo looked around the room and proceeded to tell me about the debt that he's racked up. I almost couldn't process everything he was saying.

"You're doing drugs?" I shouted, and he shushed me while I pushed him off me. I never thought Leo would resort to drugs, and to this extent too. Somehow I felt ashamed. I'd spent a month with him yet I didn't realise he was in such trouble, or even doing drugs. We were twins, I felt a certain obligation to be able to sense what was going on with him. But I didn't. He seemed fine, but of course, he was probably still on it then. Now, the man looked like he was in withdrawal. And it was more than obvious.

"I owe $500,000 Liam. Fuck, I don't have that." He whisper-shouted, still jumpy. I looked at him shocked but dumbfounded. I wasn't rich either, I mean I was just a chef. I don't know what he wanted from me, if it was $500,000 then I was sorry to break it to him, but I didn't even have half of that.

"What do you want me to do about that Leo? I don't have that kind of money." I asked, trying to think of a solution for him that didn't include robbing a bank. From the way he was telling the story, it was either pay up or get killed. Even though we were no longer very close, he was still my twin brother. I wouldn't wish death upon him.

"Your ex. She's rich." He stated, like I was supposed to understand. I looked at him weirdly, urging him to go on. Celine and I parted on more than shitty terms, there's no way she'd borrow me such a large sum of money. She'd probably look at me and say fuck you before I could even say hi if I ever appeared in front of her. And I wouldn't blame her.

"She won't give you half a million dollars Leo, I can tell you that right now." I sighed, rubbing my temples. His solution was shit, he had to know that.

"Willingly, no." He had this glint in his eyes that I was sure was not the result of drugs, or lack thereof. No, it was that mischievous glint that I feared, that was always there. From that alone, I knew he had a plan, and it didn't involve asking Celine for money over a cup of tea and some scones. It wasn't that simple, not when it came to Leo. And Leo on drug withdrawal? Yeah it would be one fucking hell of a ride.

He explained his plan in a less than descriptive detail. Figure out Celine's location, kidnap her, ask her father for a hefty ransom sum, repay the debt, and escape. It wasn't a well thought out plan, but it was the only way, according to him.

I didn't agree with his plan, but he promised he wouldn't hurt her, and that he just wanted the money. By the looks of it, he would have gone through the plan with or without my help. But, with my help, it would definitely go a lot smoother. Especially with finding out Celine's location. After all, Celine still had no idea Leo Reid existed.

"So what do I have to do?" I asked, finally giving in.


I knocked on Chase's door, the feeling of guilt overwhelming me. But as I remembered what Leo told me, it washed away almost instantly.

"Your friend, Chase. He's getting real close with your little ex." He mentioned briefly seeing Celine leave his house once. I put up an act, smiled like we were still friends, like nothing had changed, and entered his home. It felt wrong, but I couldn't help but let my mind drift to every inch of the house where Celine could possibly have been. The couch, the rooms, the kitchen, how intimate were they? I pushed away incoming feelings of jealousy and walked with him to the basketball court.

During the hour, Chase barely said a word. I tried not to let that get to me. After all, I had a mission here.

"I need to go to the bathroom"

I watched as he left and went upstairs and I took the small window of time to sneak into his living room. I looked around, thinking about where would be the best hiding place. I finally decided that under the couch would be best. Discreet and unidentifiable. I planted the device and quickly went back.

"It works?" I sent Leo a quick text.

"Hey!" I said to Chase when I saw him walk back down. Then, I felt a light vibration from my phone.

"It works."

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