Chapter 11

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Chase Kennedy

I didn't go to clubs, at least not often. If I wanted, I'd throw my own party. Where I made my own rules, and the guests were only people I knew. But, my friends insisted I came with them to the club, and Ella was back with my mum who'd just come back from a short "business trip" this morning. So, with nothing to do, I said fuck it and went anyway.

As soon as I stepped foot inside, I could feel the strong scent of alcohol hit me. The sheer number of people, either dancing, drinking, or making out, reminded me just why I'd rather host a party myself. At least the people dancing drinking and PDA-ing would be people I know, and people I could make fun of the rest of my life. My friends, like hormonal teenagers, immediately approached the first hot girl that walked past. It was kind of pathetic, how they were following them around, buying them drinks, playing the game of "who'd get a one night stand first". How did they never get tired of it?

Sitting myself on the bar, I ordered some hard liquor, the only kind of alcohol a man should drink when in a bar, or a club, and watched. Women in dresses that could pass off as lingerie swarmed around me, winking, giving me subtle touches, and I scoffed in response. I had never been interested in any of those who threw themselves at me. I hated it when I could smell a girls desperation from a mile away. Even if I did take a double look, it was only because I saw her as a prospective fuck, not because I was genuinely interested. And fucking required no commitment, which was right up my alley. But hey, don't hate the player girls. Hate the game.

While drinking, I stared at the dance floor, my two friends one move away from stripping. It was only then a familiar blonde caught my eye. What a coincidence. Little miss spoiled was here too. Glancing around, I noticed that Liam isn't. He'd usually stay by the bar given his nature. Though after my revelation, it wasn't hard to guess where he is. I was only surprised Leo wasn't there to take his place.

Placing my glass down, I walked towards Celine. Like the Red Sea, all the girls in my way parted, twirling their hair and giving me lustful looks. Ignoring all of them, I stood at a close distance, but still far away for her not to notice me immediately, staring at the way she moved. Like a snake, her body seemed so flexible, which was probably courtesy of her curves too. The way she was moving so fluidly, she should be little miss trouble instead. I would never verbally admit it, but she had the look of a doll, the kind many coveted, both men and women. Her gorgeously luscious blonde hair, jade green eyes, pink full lips, porcelain skin, and pretty features made her the ultimate package. But like medusa, she had a glint in her eyes that could kill. It wasn't usually present, but it definitely was now, coupled with seductiveness too.

I was content standing by the sidelines when another men moved closer to her. He grabbed her by the waist and she immediately jerked away, yet he insisted. It's men like these who can't take a fucking hint that gave our entire gender a bad rep. Seeing her uncomfortable and squirming in pain when he grabbed her wrist after she refused, I made my way over to intervene. I didn't like her, but that didn't mean I wanted to see her suffer. And no woman deserved to be treated like that. But before I could jump in, she delivered a surprising punch to the man's nose.


She wasn't just a pretty face after all. Turning and shaking the fist she used to deliver the blow, her head turned and we came eye to eye. There it was, the murderous glint and seductive look. If she wasn't Celine Haufftner and my best friends girlfriend, I'd consider her a very good prospect for bed. Unfortunately or fortunately, she is.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, arms crossed. Looking down, I wondered how Liam could leave her in a den full of lustful men looking like that. I for one would never allow her to leave the house in such a short and tight fucking dress.

Snap out of it! She's Celine. She's insufferable. You want nothing to do with her.

"Hey! My eyes are up here," she shoved my arm. I didn't even realise I was staring at her for so long.

"You must be fucking delirious if you think I'd ever be attracted to you," I retorted. Rolling her eyes, she catches a few men from the side of the club eying her up and down. Something bubbles in me when I saw the way they looked at her with lust-filled eyes.

"You really are trouble aren't you?" I said, smirking while eyeing her as she flipped off the men who were ogling her. She must not have noticed that Liam left, because she attempted to look around me and over my shoulder.

"He's not here." I answered her unspoken question. Shoving me, unsuccessfully, she resorted to the verbal route and shouted for me to move.

"He left." I told her, shifting aside for her to see for herself. Still not believing me, she grabbed her phone and dialled his number. I'd bet my life's fortune he wouldn't pick up. It'd be too risky for him. I could tell from her expression that I was right, and walked next to her.

"What the fuck?" She mumbled angrily. I felt bad for her. Having your boyfriend live two lives, having to share a bed with a man you think is the love of your life when it's actually just a lookalike, and all while being in the dark about everything. Tough, but not my problem.

She stormed out, and seeing as my friends were shoving their tongues down two different girls, I decided it was my cue to leave too.

Noticing the time, location, and number of men staring at Celine, or rather her exposed skin, as she walked the streets, I cursed at myself and followed her.

"Stop following me you psycho." She didn't even need to turn to realise I was there. My aura must be really noticeable. Of course, even when she's confused and angry, she was always ready with a comeback.

"It's dark and unsafe, trouble." I shouted when she started walking faster. She didn't have a car and it was so late a cab would take forever, so I wasn't sure what her plan was. But I guarantee it didn't include walking around New York with five inch heels strapped to her ankles. She wouldn't make it a mile away.

"Trouble?" She turned, finally stopping.

"You look like a trouble magnet, don't you think?" I shoved my hands into my pocket. Something about riling her up and pushing her buttons was so damn entertaining.

"Whatever. Call me whatever you like I couldn't give a fuck," she said, looking back at her phone. Rolling my eyes, I walk over and snatched her phone right out of her hands, dangling it above my head. Given the difference in height, she'd have to get a ladder to reach it.

"Woah. What naughty language for a girl like you." I joked. This somehow made her angrier, and me happier.

"What is your problem asshole," she yelled, jumping and clawing at my shirt to try and reach her phone.

"You don't even know where you're going trouble," I told her, dangling the phone above her while taking a quick glance at the screen.

"Just give it back!" She shouted, and I relented. I'd tortured her enough. Catching the phone in her hands, she let out a loud groan. I took that as my cue to walk away, she'd come after me anyways.

"Wait!" She said. Bingo, again. I made my way to her and she reluctantly asked for a ride. Eyeing her phone, which was now flat, and the state she was in, I opened the door to my car and let her in.

"Now doesn't this seem like déjà vu, trouble?"

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