Chapter 44

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Celine Haufftner

"I'm fine dad, really," I tried to tell him. My parents finally visited when Chase left after filling in some administrative paperwork. I had never seen my father more worked up. He was always the face of composure. Competitor gained top secret information on one of his clients? Expressionless. Three of his top attorneys left for another firm? It was just unfortunate luck - no big deal. One of his cars got stolen? That's fine, he bought three new ones within the hour. Just for fun. But the look on his face when Leo held me, it was like he truly believed I was going to die.

"You're coming back to London with us," he said. I moved back in shock. The thought of going back home, it just didn't feel right. The last two months in London weren't exactly a fairytale, I'll admit. But, I didn't want to leave either. I know my family and friends were all in London, and I had already stayed longer than I had intended, but things have changed since two months ago. I just couldn't leave New York, at least not yet.

"No. I can't," I argued. Normally my father would give in, but not when I had just been recently kidnapped and hospitalised. Not to mention the fact that he learnt I'd been hospitalised not once, but twice in two months. He nearly went ballistic, so that was a total dealbreaker for sure. I had to pull all the stops to convince him this time. Something told me cute puppy eyes weren't going to cut it.

"Celine, sweetheart. I know you love the city, but given the recent circumstances, it's better if you were in a place where I wouldn't have to travel over an ocean to get to." He insisted, the softness in his tone contradicted the dark and cold look on his face. I shook my head, I couldn't leave. I understood what he was saying, but going back to London was the least of my concerns. What happened with Leo was a one time thing. The odds of me getting kidnapped again? Highly unlikely. And the car accident, it was negligence on my part, and also the other driver's. That could have happened anywhere, even in London. So unless he was able to buy me an entire highway, he wouldn't be able to avoid me getting into a car accident.

"Dad I can't. I have things to do in New York," I argued. He cocked his brows and my mother spoke in his stead.

"Like what?" She had always been the quieter out of the two of them, so when she spoke, it meant that things were serious.

"Like... personal stuff." She sat down and told me that I had done enough in New York, and she couldn't be more wrong. I felt like a child, but I didn't want to tell them that the real reason I wanted to stay in New York, was Chase. The idea of being away, in a whole other continent, scared me. My first long distance relationship proved to be more than disastrous. It was scarring. It made me wonder, maybe I wasn't cut out for the whole long distance thing. And the best way to prevent that was to stay in New York where Chase is, and always will be.

"Please dad, I can't leave. Not yet," I pleaded. My mum looked at me and my dad, who finally gave in.

"Fine. But only one more week," he said sternly. A week? A week was hardly enough. I needed another month! Maybe more.

"But-" my father cut me off. I knew there was no changing his mind anymore, but I wanted to at least try.

"There is no more negotiating. You are returning to London in a week, and you're taking the jet." I slumped back onto my bed, already planning what I wanted to do the next seven days.


A day later, I was finally discharged. Chase helped me with my things and insisted that I stayed with him instead of at the hotel, which despite his complaints, was a five star hotel. I didn't settle for anything less. I told him that I would be fine, and that I had already paid for the room, and after a bit more convincing, he agreed reluctantly.

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