Chapter 38

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Chase Kennedy

Fuck fuck fuck.

I ran my fingers through my hair as I dialled the police.

When they finally showed up, I handed them the earring that I found, but other than that, we had absolutely nothing. No other leads. Even as an internet expert I couldn't do shit about it because I had nothing to work with, which only made me feel helpless. I hated it. Knowing I couldn't do a single thing, and waiting was the only option. The police ensured me that they would make this case a top priority, but I didn't care about that unless top priority meant spending every single fucking minute of every day looking for her until she was back in my arms. Safe. And if it didn't mean that, then I'd have to do it myself.

"I assure you Mr Kennedy, we will do everything in our power to find her as soon as possible." The officer told me. But I knew it wasn't going to be easy. What could they even do with one fucking earring? I already knew the answer : nothing.

I stood to the side and decided that I had to do something other than wait for the New York police department to magically find another lead. Which could be days. I didn't have days.

Getting out my phone, I called the only other person I knew was capable of helping.

"Yes. I'd like to speak to Mr Jameson Haufftner."


It didn't take long for Mr Haufftner to jump into action once he heard his daughter had been kidnapped. I explained everything, and within a few minutes, he told me that he had deployed a team he had in New York to search the vicinity. Even while in a whole other continent he was more competent than the supposed professionals.

"I chipped Celine's phone before she moved out 3 years ago for safety purposes. If she didn't change her phone, I might be able to track her location from there," he told me.

We ended the call shortly, and I felt the weight in my chest lighten a little knowing that we might be one step closer to finding her, but that wasn't enough. I wouldn't feel better until she was back in my arms where she belonged.

I thought back on who the person might be. What they could possibly want from her. As far as I knew, Celine didn't have any enemies in New York, she barely knew anyone. The only people she didn't end things off on a good note with was Liam. But he wouldn't stoop so low as to kidnap her, right?

Unconvinced, I drove to the after party where Liam should be. He was the only person that had anything close to feelings of animosity with Celine.

He had better be at that goddamn after party or I didn't know what kind of unforgivable things I'd do to make sure he'd never live to see another day.


I pushed past angry guests and even spilled some drinks on the way, but I didn't give a fuck. Shoving the man who dared get in my way as I entered the kitchen, I caught a glimpse of Liam and grabbed him by the collar and pushed him against the wall.

"Celine is missing." He stood there acting like he didn't know what was going on. I grabbed a knife from beside me, and told him, "We're in a kitchen full of possible weapons, so choose your next words very wisely. Tell me the truth. Do you have something to do with her disappearance."

He gulped, and I knew him long enough to know that he did have something to do with it. Liam had never been a great liar, his eyes always gave it away. Every single time.

"I didn't know he'd actually do it." I pushed my arm against his throat, chucking the knife to one side.

Forget weapons, I was so fucking furious that I could kill him with my bare hands.

"Who?" I further blocked his airways with the force of my arm against his throat. He scratched at my arm but I refused to let go, not until he gave me the name of the bastard who dared to even touch what was mine, let alone take her away.

Anyone who touched her once, I'd take it as a mistake.

If they touched her twice, I'd take it as a death wish.

And this man, this man dared to hurt her, so he could count his blessings in hell.


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