Chapter 36

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Chase Kennedy

I agreed to pick up Celine since she was now living independently in New York with no means of transport.

I leaned against my car outside the hotel, waiting for her, even though the staff were telling me to move. There wasn't anyone behind me, so I stayed. I kept telling them she would be here soon, and five minutes later, she finally appeared.

She walked down the steps like a Disney Princess taken straight from a movie that I was sure I was drooling. And it wasn't just the dress she was wearing, it was her. She was glowing.

"Hey trouble." I smirked, looking her up and down. Crazy to think how a month ago we also met because she needed a ride.

"Hey yourself," she too checked me out and grinned. She gave me a hint on what colour she was wearing so I tried my best to incorporate a little red into my outfit, hence the red tie. I hated ties, but I love Celine, so I wore it anyway.

Like a gentleman, I opened the door for her and helped her in which earned me a smile and thank you.

Throughout the ride I kept on tugging at my tie, hating the way it just hugged my neck so tightly. Maybe I tied it too tight, or just did it wrongly since it's been a while since I'd worn one, but it just felt uncomfortable.

I parked the car when we reached the venue, the New York public library. It was simple but classic. I helped her out of the car and placed my hand gently on her waist when she stopped. I pulled my hand away immediately, scared that she didn't appreciate my unannounced advance, but she placed my hand back onto her waist.

"Relax." She whispered, and tugged at my tie, removing it altogether.

"You look better without it anyway," she tapped onto my chest as we walked into the library. It was something so small but it made my heart so full.

As we entered, I made sure that Celine looked okay. It's been a while since she saw Liam face to face. When I noticed the familiar tussle of dirty blonde hair, I took a quick glance at Celine. I could tell she was taking a few deep breaths. She was nervous, but she's never been the kind to show it.

"You okay trouble?" I leaned down to whisper into her ear. She nodded and regained the look of confidence she had from before Liam arrived. I held her waist tighter and closer when we brushed past Liam.

"Good girl," I whispered when she showed no more emotion than a look of indifference toward him. He was surprised, but not as surprised as I thought he'd be. Before the ceremony started, I went around and talked to a few friends that I hadn't seen in a while, and witnessed as Celine socialised. It was relieving to see her act normal, happy, carefree. I grabbed her a glass of champagne as a little celebratory drink for making it through the first half hour.

"This isn't as hard as I thought," she whispered as we took our seats. I caught Liam staring back at her, at us, occasionally, but I brushed it off. He could look all he wanted, but she was no longer his. She was mine, at least for tonight.

As soon as the ceremony ended, Liam came up to us. I tightened my grip on Celine.

"Hey. I didn't think you'd still show after.... everything," he said nervously, switching looking between Celine and me. I didn't want to say anything though, I let Celine do all the talking. I was only here because of her.

"I figured why not," she said plainly. Liam tried to continue the conversation in the least awkward possible, though he failed miserably.

"For what it's worth, I'm sorry for everything. I would turn back time if I could. And I understand if you don't want to come to the after party," he said, playing with his hair.

"I'm really not interested in talking to you Liam, or hearing any of your apologies. You and I are nothing more than humans walking on the same planet. As for the after party, I'll decide on whether to go," she said, her voice laced with anger.

"That was satisfying," she told me as I pulled her away from Liam, still not uttering a single word.

"You did great," I pecked her by the side of her head. Liam must have caught that because I heard a light growl in the background, but I didn't care.

When it was time to go to the after party which was held at the couples place, I told Celine to wait by the entrance while I got the car. Her heels were apparently skinning her feet alive, and I didn't want her walking if unnecessary. Most of the other guests had already made it to the after party, but Celine felt like staying at the library a little longer.

After finally getting the car, I drove back to the entrance only to find no one there. I quickly got out of the car and looked around. Not a single soul. It was late at night since the wedding was held in the evening, and it was dark, which made it worse.

"Celine?" I yelled out. Fuck. I walked back to my car to grab my phone when I saw a very familiar pink diamond earring laying on the ground. Not the pair, just one.

Fuck fuck fuck.

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