Chapter 28

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Liam Reid

Jane had asked for some juice, claiming that all she'd been drinking was water and she wanted something sweet. Pregnancy cravings, she said.

I stood in front of the hospital's vending machine, slotting in some change when I felt my phone vibrate.

"Chase?" I answered the phone. He rambled on and on, and all I caught was : ....Celine....Car Accident....Unconscious....Hurt.....Where are you?

Shit. I quickly asked for all the details. I was too caught up in making sure Jane and the baby were okay, I completely forgot about Celine. And she had just gotten in an accident and I wasn't even the first person she saw when she woke up. I felt a twinge of jealousy that Chase was there first, but fuck that. I had no time to be jealous. Ditching the juice, I ran downstairs to where Celine's ward was. From what Chase said, she was okay. But I was still worried. Some nurses tried to stop me to talk about Jane's condition and some shit I didn't catch, but I left after listening to a few words. Rushing past doctors and patients while repeatedly apologising, I finally made it.

As soon as I reached the door I saw Chase beside her and Celine sitting at the edge of the bed. Chase noticed me enter and left, saying we'd probably need some time to ourselves.

"How are you baby?" I reached to her. She pulled away, hurt laced her eyes. I rarely saw her cry, she always tried not to. But this time, the reddening of her eyes, I could tell she was on the verge of tears.

"Tell me everything. Don't lie." She said.

Shit. My play had come to an end.

"I'm sorry, I fuck," I didn't know what to say. How to say it. Tears splashed down onto her hospital gown one by one and it nearly killed me knowing every drop was because of me.

"That woman, who is she?" She choked out. Even worse. Celine had seen Jane, there was no hiding now.

"I didn't mean to baby. It was an accident. I was drunk, I slept with her one night, I didn't think she'd get pregnant." I explained, tears of my own forming. Not tears of betrayal like hers, tears of guilt. Seven months of guilt poured out like an endless waterfall, even though I knew I had no right to cry.

"Fuck you." I reached over to my cheek where she had just left a red mark. I deserved that slap and more. For everything I had done, I didn't even deserve to be alive.

"You cheated on me and now you're giving me the most cliche excuse that you were drunk. I thought you loved me. You told me you'd never hurt me." She sobbed. I'd never seen her cry before, let alone sob, and it broke my heart. I never wanted to be the cause of so much of her pain. But here I was. Inflicting so much of it I might as well be dragging a dagger through her heart and soul. Including the pain from her injuries and the emotional pain I was forcing her to endure, she must be in hell.

I tried once again to comfort her physically but she pulled away. I expected it, but it still hurt. I understood, so I told her I'd give her some time.

I was only one foot out the door when I felt someone grab my collar and shove me against the wall.

"I told you to tell her." Chase spat. "How could you leave her alone when she was hurt? Do have a single ounce of conscience left?" He pushed me further into the wall. The words dug into me like a slow burning knife and gutted me from the inside out. Because I knew what he was saying, every word, was true. I had no conscience, I had hurt her more than I ever thought possible.

I shoved him off and wiped my tears.

"Fuck Chase. I tried, I really did. I didn't mean for her to find out this way." I explained.

"Bullshit. You shouldn't have stayed with Jane in the first place."

It didn't take a genius to know. I had fucked up big time.

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