Chapter 14

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Liam Reid

I'd spent way more than just 15 minutes. Fuck, at the rate I was going, Celine would definitely find out. And I didn't want to know what would become of me if her father found out I'd been playing his precious daughter. Though I'd argue that I had no intention to, men like Jameson Haufftner wouldn't give two fucks about my explanation. He'd ruin me if he could, and he can. All he'd care about is his daughter, and how I'd hurt her.

Running my fingers through my curls, I realised I had to get my story straight. Otherwise, neither I, Jane, or our unborn baby would be safe from the Haufftners wrath.

Driving to Chase's house, I practiced what I'd say, what story I'd cook up. I didn't like lying to her, but I was already in too deep that lying was the least of my worries. I had regrets, but that didn't matter now.

I had a family emergency.
I had a family emergency.
I had a family emergency.

That was what I'd say. I rehearsed the details in my head until Chase's house finally came into sight. Deep breaths, Liam. Don't slip, or she'll catch you in your huge lie. Though really, now it wasn't just a lie. It was a whole fucking play, and I was stuck in it.

Waiting by the entrance, I see Celine, still in the dress I bought, no longer wearing her heels, angrily stomping towards me.

Start by saying sorry.
Start by saying sorry.
Start by saying sorry.

I chanted in my head like a continuous prayer. But given the mess I'd gotten myself into, I doubt God could help me. I was on my own, and I had to stick to a plan.

"I'm so sorry babe I-"Before I could finish, she stopped me. Of course she was still upset, she had every reason to be.

"I'm still angry." She said, arms folded. I tried to caress her thigh, like I always did when I drove, but she quickly moved away. Nodding, I decided to give her some space on the drive home. It'd give me time to set my head straight, calm myself down, and follow my script like I had rehearsed.


As soon as she entered, she threw both her purse and her shoes on the ground and walked away, completely disregarding my presence. Hearing the shower turn on, I quickly turned and archived my conversations with Jane and Leo. Given her state, she'd probably want to check my phone.

I also started deleting pictures of ultrasounds, medical forms, the pregnancy test, everything that wasn't supposed to be there. I kept my ears perked, ensuring I'd be able to hear when she came out of the bathroom. When the sound of water splashing stopped, I immediately kept my phone in my back pocket and sat on the edge of the couch.

Click. The door opened. Looking up, I noticed she didn't even bother to make eye contact, her towel wrapped around her chest and another around her hair. Slamming the door shut, I realised she really was mad this time.

Knocking on our bedroom door, I tried explaining through the wooden door, now acting as a wall.

"Babe, just let me explain. I had a family emergency, I thought I'd be back quicker, but it extended, and I- fuck, I forgot." I explained, forehead leaning on the door. Suddenly, I felt the door open, causing me to move away. I was hopeful, then a second later I was hope-less, because she shoved past me, like I was invisible.

"Come on, what do I have to do to make you forgive me?" I pleaded. She'd never been this angry before, I didn't know how to handle it. Finally she looked me in the eyes, and I could detect a hint of softness beneath the anger that she held in her green orbs.

Now wearing a more comfortable pair of shorts and loose T-shirt, she grabbed the box of lucky charms and carton of milk and poured herself some cereal.

Right. She must be hungry, she hasn't had breakfast. Great, frustration and hunger. The worst of worst combinations.

While she ate in silence, I walked over to the side of her chair. Knowing Celine and how stubborn she is, the only real way she'd even say a thing to me is if I went on my knees and literally begged for forgiveness. And to be honest, she deserved more than me on my knees. Hell, if there were no laws on earth, I'd gladly let her kill me if she wanted. Yet, no matter how sorry I felt, I felt even worse whenever Jane would cry about me abandoning her and our child. Ours. Our responsibility, one I couldn't ever walk away from. Not anymore.

Dropping to my knees in hopes for her forgiveness, she finally turned to look at me once more.

"I don't care. You left me alone. I had no friends, my phone died, I could have been fucking kidnapped you idiot. Did that not count as an emergency? Your girlfriend in a club, surrounded by men, open to danger? You couldn't have told me?" She was unleashing all of her pent up rage, and I gladly took all of it.

"I'm sorry, tell me what else I can do baby." I stayed on my knees, tracing her calf. Pulling away, she got up and walked off.

I knew what that meant.

The underlying message - stay on your knees until I'm no longer angry.

And that's exactly what I did, the rest of the day.

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