Chapter 4

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Celine Haufftner

It felt nice to be in an open space, fresh air all around. Liam had cooked so many dishes, and every single one tasted so good.  It was hard to even think of dieting when a chef was your boyfriend.

"That good?" He asked, leaning back on his arms when I stuffed my mouth full.

"Yeah," I replied after swallowing. I always had a big appetite whenever he cooked. And who could blame me? It was like he had some kind of secret spell that made every dish he prepared so delicious. He even made me like broccoli, and I used to be the president of the Broccoli Hate Club.

I reached out for another bite when I felt something hit my head. My fork dropped from the shock and my right hand instantly moved to where the item had come into contact with my head.

"Sorry!" I looked up to see a smirking Chase. Of course it was him. I thought New York was big, yet I was seeing him everywhere and everyday you would think New York is an tiny village. Glaring at his gloating face, I don't think I ever despised anyone as much as him. Why did god ever waste such an angelic and perfect face on someone like Chase Kennedy? He was anything but angelic. He was like the incarnation of the devil itself, with its sole purpose to make my life a living hell it seemed. One more provocation and I really might be going to hell. For first degree murder.

"What exactly is your problem?" I looked up at the smirking man. Ugh, he was so immature it's sad.

"Seeing you get riled up is a nice past time," he replied, bending to pick up the frisbee. I was so tempted to drive a fork into his hand, but refrained. A person like me wouldn't survive a day in prison. And besides, I look like shit in orange. Instead, I gave him a kick in the ankle.

"That was pathetic," he laughed, and I shoved him. Still, he didn't fall. It was frustrating to say the least. The fork really seemed like a good weapon at that point.

"Stop teasing her Chase," Liam finally interrupted. I was so busy focusing on ways to repay Chase for the hit he so kindly gave me that I forgot Liam was here.

"Hey, it was an accident." Chase pretended, even though we both knew it wasn't.

"Yeah right it was," I mumbled. Such a precise hit was definitely not an accident. He saw my head as a target and hit the bullseye was a more accurate description of what happened.

"Get over it," he said before walking away. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of my reaction, so I practiced the old trick of taking deep breaths, kept my cool and ignored him.

"Ignore him. That's the way he always is," Liam held my chin and said. I smiled and continued at my food. Thank god Chase and his lame antics didn't ruin the food or my appetite, or we'd have some real problems.


It's so pretty, the view, the way the sunset glazed the sky. I leaned onto Liam while we sat on the couch, which was conveniently placed in front of his tall windows. Coupled with how high up his unit was, the place was made for sunset viewings.

"You should try and get along with Chase you know. We're best friends." He whispered while tracing his finger over my shoulder. Turning at the mention of Chase, I shook my head. I had absolutely no intention of getting along with that menace. It'd be best for both of us to stay out of each others sight.

"Come on, he's really not that bad once you get to know him. You should see how he is with his sister, it's cute." It was only then I remembered about Ella. How could someone as pure as her even be remotely related to Chase?

"His sister is cute, but Chase Kennedy? Cute and Chase are antonyms. They don't go together." He looked at me weirdly, and I realised he didn't know I had already met Ella. I told him what happened in the car that day, and something sparked in his eyes. A twinkle whenever he had one of his "good ideas". The chances of me liking those ideas were always slim to none, and I had a feeling I wouldn't like this one either.

"You should go with me to his house tomorrow. I'm playing basketball with Chase and some other friends. You could spend time with his sister and try to get along with Chase." He suggested. I groaned. I really didn't want to spend time with Chase, or even be in the same location as him, much less his home. Who knew what he'd have in store for me? Water balloons? Paintballs? Clowns? I wouldn't put anything past him. But when I recalled my encounter with Ella, I decided that maybe it's worth a shot.

I don't have to be best friends with Chase, just civil. I'm sure that was possible, right?


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