Chapter 29

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Celine Haufftner

Chase entered as soon as Liam left. I was so deep in tears, practically drowning, I didn't care that he was watching me cry. I just knew that I had to let it all out, or the pain would kill me from the inside out.

I could feel his light but warm touch on my back, but I had no energy to reply him or say a word of thanks. I just wanted to universe to turn my ward into a black hole that would suck me away for good. Even though it wasn't my fault, it didn't feel good knowing your boyfriend, the one you thought was the one, had been lying to you for months. And the worst part, he still cares for the other woman.

Falling onto my side, I thought back to every good memory I had with him the last few months. Every picnic outing, every date night, every call where we'd share how our days went, it hurt to know that in all those moments, I wasn't the only woman on his mind. She was there too. Occupying a part of his thoughts.

I had been hurt before. Not many times, but hurt didn't measure in quantity. I remembered telling Liam about my shitty exes, how they were batshit crazy.

"One used me for sex. One dumped me aside."

Now I had another to add to my list.

One cheated on me and got another woman pregnant.

But, despite my crazy exes, it was Liam who hurt me the most. Not just because the woman he happened to fuck got pregnant. No. Because I truly loved him and I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with him. After being completely vulnerable with Liam, I convinced myself he wouldn't hurt me. He did too.

The tears were uncontrollable as I realised what I was feeling wasn't just pain. Pain wasn't foreign to me, we'd be acquainted a long time ago. But heartbreak was. I thought I was heartbroken when I broke up with my first, Logan. Logan gave me everything I thought a perfect boyfriend should. I love yous, flowers, gifts. So much so that when he tossed me aside after sex and gave me cold looks that could match the blistering winters of the North Pole, I fell into a state of complete heartbreak. But looking back now, it wasn't. Unfortunately for me, that wasn't anything close to heartbreak.

This, however, felt like heartbreak at its worst.

The prickling feeling in my heart, my skin, my soul, my entire being. The hot feeling of betrayal mixed with anger and sadness that burned my skin third degree. The knowledge that every single "I love you" he muttered after he betrayed me, the three words that grounded me even as my world felt like it was spinning out of control, was never real, even if he thought they were, constantly stabbed at me. Reminded me, how naive I was. How I should have trusted my gut whenever I was suspicious.

The way my tears cascaded down slowly, ensuring I felt every bitter and salty drop.

This, this was heartbreak.

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