Chapter 146-Something Wierd Is Going On

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We drove down the street until we found a small grocery store and gathered some random things that could be used for the séance. Once we were done, we left the store with our paper bag and started heading back to the church "dude. I'II admit we've gone pretty ghetto with spell work before, but this takes the cake. I mean, a SpongeBob placemat instead of an altar cloth?" Sam said "we'll just put it SpongeBob side down." Dean smirked as Sam laughed, and then Dean and I continued back to the car.

"That's it." Sam said, standing where we left him, staring at something "what?" Dean asked him "that's the sign!" Sam shouted "where?" Dean asked "right there, right behind you, that guy! That's him, Dean. And we have to stop him." Sam stated firmly as I turned to look at the man that Sam was giving a death glare. As he started to cross the street, Sam tried to make a move "wait a minute." Dean said "what are you doing? Let me go." Sam snarled "you're not going to go kill somebody because a ghost told you to. Are you insane?" Dean asked.

"Dean, I'm not insane. I'm not going to kill him. I'm going to stop him." Sam said "define 'stop,' huh? I mean, what are you going to do?" Dean asked him "Dean, please, he's going to hurt someone, you know it." Sam pleaded "all right, come on." Dean said as he got in the Impala while the man reached his car, got in, and pulled away from the sidewalk. Dean started the car, but as Sam and I reached for our doors, they were locked.

"Dean. Unlock the doors." Sam said, pulling at the handle again "you're not killing anyone, Sam. I got this guy, you two go do the séance." Dean directed and then drove away "Dean!" Sam shouted "come on." I said grabbing Sam's sleeve and tugged him toward the church.

When we reached the church. We ran around back and into the crypt. As we reached the back, we stopped and set up for the séance in front of Father Gregory's tomb as I finished lighting the candles, Sam picked up Dad's journal and started reading. "Amate spiritus obscure te quaerimus, te oramus nobiscum colloquere aput nos circita." He said as he sprinkled some wormwood over the black candle in the middle of the mat. It flared up brightly.

Making Sam and I look at each other, waiting to see if something would happen "what are you doing? What is this?" Someone said making Sam and I jump and look up to see Father Reynolds standing in the door "uh, Father, please. I can explain. Um..." Sam said "it's a séance." I said as Sam looked at me, shocked, but I just shrugged back "a séance? You are in the House of God." Father Reynolds said as Sam and I walked up to him.

"It's based on early Christian rites, if that helps any." Sam said, unsure "enough. You're coming with me." Father Reynolds said as he put his hands on our shoulders "father, please, just wait a second." Sam pleaded as Father Reynolds pulled us toward the door, a large bright light filled the room "oh my god! Is that-is that an angel?" Father Reynolds gasped "no, it's not. It's just Father Gregory." Sam said, disappointed when he realized Dean was right as the bright light slowly dimmed and revealed a young priest.

"Thomas?!" Father Reynolds gasped "I've come in answer to your prayers." Father Gregory smiled as Sam approached Father Gregory cautiously "Sam, I thought I sent you on your path. You should hurry." Father Gregory said as Sam shook his head "father, I'm sorry. But you're not an angel." Sam said "of course, I am." Father Gregory said "no. You're a man. You're a spirit. And you need to rest." Father Reynolds said as he shook his head "I was a man. But now I'm an angel. I was on the steps of the church. And I felt that bullet pierce right through me. But there was no pain. And suddenly I could see...everything. Father Reynolds, I saw you, praying and crying here. I came to help you." Father Gregory smiled.

"Help me how?" Father Reynolds asked him "I have guided lost souls to smite the wicked." Father Gregory smiled "those murders...that was because of you?" Father Reynolds asked, stunned "I received the Word of God. He spoke to me, told me to smite the wicked. I'm carrying out his will." Father Gregory nodded "you're driving innocent people to kill." Father Reynolds said "those innocent people are being offered redemption. Some people need redemption." Father Gregory said as he shook his head "don't they, Sam?" He said as Sam looked away.

"How can you call this redemption?" Father
Reynolds asked angrily "you can't understand it now. But the rules of man and the rules of God are two very different things." Father Gregory said "those people. They're locked up." Sam said "no, they're happy. They've found peace, beaten their demons. And I've given them the keys to Heaven." Father Gregory smiled "no. No, this is vengeance. It's wrong. Thomas, this goes against everything you believed. You're lost, misguided." Father Reynolds said "father. No, I'm not misguided." Father Gregory smiled.

"You are not an angel, Thomas. Men cannot be angels." Father Reynolds sighed "but -but I-I don't understand. You prayed for me to come." Father Gregory said as he shook his head "I prayed for God's help. Not this. What you're doing is not God's will. 'Thou shalt not kill.' That's the Word of God." Father Reynolds said as Father Gregory looked over at his tomb and then looked back at us, bewildered "let us help you." Sam said softly "no." Father Gregory said "it's time to rest, Thomas, to be at peace. Please, let me give your last rites." Father Reynolds said.

As Father Gregory nodded hesitantly. Father Reynolds raised his hands in prayer "oh Holy Hosts above, I call upon thee as a servant of Christ to sanctify our actions this day, in fulfillment of the will of God." He gasped as Father Gregory flickered into a distorted image "father Reynolds?" Father Gregory asked, looking afraid "rest." Father Reynolds said as he nodded at him while Father Gregory knelt as Father Reynolds put his hand over his forehead "I call upon the Archangel Raphael, Master of the Air, to make open the way. Let the fire of the Holy Spirit now descend, that this being might be awakened to the world beyond." Father Reynolds said as Father Gregory started glowing brightly and then vanished into a soft light.

After Sam and I said goodbye to Father Reynolds, we made our way back to the motel. We packed our bags in silence and waited for Dean to join us. About a half-hour later, Dean walked through the door "how was your day?" Dean asked us "you were right. It wasn't an angel. It was Gregory." Sam said, defeated as Dean took his flask out and took a swig. Then he offered it to Sam, who took it this time "I don't know, Dean, I just, uh...I wanted to badly,'s so damn hard to do this, what we do. You're all alone, ya know? And...there's so much evil out there in the world, Dean, I feel like I could drown in it. And when I think about my destiny...When I think about how I could end up..." Sam said as his voice started to crack.

"Yeah, well, don't worry about that. All right? I'm watching out for you." Dean said as he sat down next to him "yeah, I know you are. But you're just one person, Dean. And I needed to think that there was something else, watching too, ya know? Some higher power. Some greater good. And that maybe..." Sam sighed "maybe what?" Dean asked "maybe I could be saved. But, uh, ya know, that just clouded my judgment, and you're right. I mean, we've gotta go with what we know, with what we can see, with what's right there in front of our own two eyes." Sam said "yeah, well, it's funny you say that." Dean said.

"Why?" Sam asked as he furrowed his brow "Gregory's spirit gave you some pretty good information. That guy in the car was bad news. I barely got there in time." Dean said "what happened?" Sam asked him "he's dead." Dean said "did you-." I muttered "no. But I'll tell you one thing. If-the way he died...if I hadn't seen it with my own two eyes, I never would have believed it. I mean...I don't know what to call it." Dean said "what? Dean, what did you see?" Sam asked "maybe...god's will." Dean said.

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