Chapter 142-Running Till My Legs Give Out

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About a half-hour later, two SWAT team members opened the vault door and led the group out to safety. As the group walked by, several more SWAT members were walking toward the building. As we passed, I heard one of them say "we're finally bringing those Winchester's in. Dean Winchester is never going to kill again." A man said.

Damn it. Dean's record was not making this job easy, and after this, it wasn't going to get any easier. After Baltimore, I knew that they definitely knew who was too, so I needed to get away before anyone realized who I was. As the group continued toward the ambulances and police cars, I slipped behind the wall of cars surrounding the bank as stayed low, and then I took a deep breath and ran toward an alley. At the edge of the alley, I put my hood up and walked with a crowd of people down a sidewalk toward the parking garage. Once I made it, I ran to the Impala and grabbed one of the cell phones out of the glove compartment. I knew I shouldn't stay in the Impala, just in case Sam and Dean couldn't come back, and the police came for the car.

I quickly ran to a stairwell, and I hid behind the wall so that I could see the Impala perfectly, but you would really have to be looking to see me. I started to lose hope of seeing Sam and Dean again as time was just dragging by. Until I heard footsteps echoing through the garage, but when I saw two members of the SWAT team approaching the Impala, my heart started pounding. I thought they had gotten Sam and Dean, but then something weird happened. The two people sat in the Impala and took their helmets off. I squinted and then realized it was Sam and Dean. I quickly got up and ran to the car, opening the door and sitting in my rightful seat.

"We are so screwed." Dean panted, looking exhausted.

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