Enjoy it Babe

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The smell of bacon woke me this morning. So we at you're Someone was actually cooking, surprisingly. Tom wasn't next to me so maybe they were down eating breakfast.

I went to the closet and picked out a cropped white long sleeve and some distressed jeans shorts. Too hot out for long sleeves but no one needed to see my mess of a wrist.

"Look who's alive!" Taylor cheered as I walked into the kitchen. Jasmine and Mariel were sitting at the island waiting for Taylor's food to be done.

"Where is everybody?" I asked as I sat down and poured myself a glass of orange juice.

"Gone, there doing business shit". Marie said as she rolled her eyes and grabbed a bottle out of her purse.

"Ready to have some fun Veronica?"

"Hell yeah." I scream as I was handed the bottle and started downing the cheap vodka. All the girls chugged the rest of the bottle down in minutes.

Soon music was blasting through the kitchen and we were dancing around the island, laughing and having fun.

"V you are so lucky to have Tom, I'm stuck with Bill." Taylor laughs and falls over as she speaks.

"Bitch, I'm not lucky, he beats me."

"He's so sexy though, out of all of them." Jasmine and Marie nodded in agreement.

"He may be sexy and can't believe I'm admitting that but how can we put up with this shit?"

"You should know that answer to that girl." She had point. He kidnapped me from my own house and can kill me if he wants.

"Girls, where are you?" Tom yells from the front door. Taylor yells back kitchen in her drunken giggle voice. Marie was sprawled on the floor. Jasmine was passed out in the corner. Taylor and me sat on the counter drinking out of a random alcohol bottle we found.

"There gonna be so pissed." I said and giggled as I took another sip.

"Shh they are coming." Taylor said as she burst out laughing and fell back onto the floor.

"What the fuck." George says as he walks over to Jasmine, trying to wake her up. Justin goes to Marie as Bill and Tom stare back at me and Taylor.

"We were only gone for a couple hours and now your all drunk!" Tom yells at us as Bill goes picks Taylor up from the floor.

"I think someone needs to be taught a lesson." Bill tells her as he hauls her up the stairs. What the actual fuck.

I hopped off the counter, trying to leave when Tom pulled me back and smacked me across the face.

"You didn't have permission to drink whore, you need to be punished."

"No, you don't get to control me! Go fuck your self Tom."

"Let's go." He grabbed my legs and slung me over his shoulder. Gave me deja vu from the first night we met. Took me just like this the first night.

"Tom what are you doing!" I yelled at him as he threw me on the bed, locking the door.

I knew What this looked like and I did not want it. I've never even done it before. I'm 20 years old and still a virgin. I've had boyfriends but just never got close. I've done everything but sex.

"You need to know that you can't just mouth off with no punishment." He came onto the bed and pushed me so I was laying on my back. He pinned me down and took off his shirt.

"Tom please no, I don't want this!" I yelled as
a tear rolled down. He wiped it away and pressed his lips hard to mine. He slipped his tongue in my mouth forcefully and played around with my tongue. I moaned trying to stop him from kissing.

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