Jealous Much?

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6:48 a.m.

Why was I up so early, I was still tired but couldn't fall asleep. Tom lay next to peaceful and in slumber. I watched his chest go up and down with his small breaths. Could only wish he was as nice as he looked when he was sleeping.

I got up and threw on some clothes before heading downstairs for coffee. Bill was already in the kitchen making a fresh pot.

"Your never up this early?"

"Worried about Taylor."

"I though she was okay, aren't we picking her up today?"

"Yea but I still can't stop thinking about her." He was sweet to her, better then Tom ever was. I think he actually loved Taylor, and she did too.

"It's understandable, hey maybe we should do something fun today. Like the beach?"

"That's actually a good idea, we should after we grab her from the hospital. Pack a bag for her will you?"

"Yes for sure." I say as he leaves the kitchen. The coffee was a much needed wake up. I wasn't that hungry so I just skipped that and went to pack Taylor's and I beach bag.

"What's with all the noise?" Tom says in a restless morning voice, as he stretches in bed.

"Packing, didn't mean to wake you."

"Packing?" He says coldly and shoots up out of bed.

"Not to leave, for the beach." I say as I stuff clothes and my bikini into the bag. He gets up and goes to pee as I grab my makeup bag from the bathroom drawer.

"Why are we going to the beach?"

"To do something fun for once."

"Uh huh." He says smugly as he goes to put on some new clothes.

Everything was packed, including Taylor's bag. Tom was ready for the day and smoking out on the balcony. I walk out and grab one from the pack and place it between my lips. We stand in silence and just breathe the smoke as we look out at the view.

He flicks the cig and slaps my ass. Douchebag.

"Bill! Hurry up, we're all in the car!"

Tom and George started to argue as Bill got into the car with a big cooler.

"The fucks in there?" George asks Bill as we set off for the hospital.

"Beer and Vodka." We all stare at him.

"If we're going to the beach, we have to do it right." He says laughing as we ride on the highway.

We pull up to a red light and look over at a very nice orange mustang. He revs his engine and looks towards Tom. Here we go.

The light turns green and we go flying, the mustang is in the dust as Tom bangs on the steering wheel and cheers with the rest of the boys.

He takes a sharp turn into the hospital parking. I couldn't wait to see Taylor, she was going to excited to go to the beach today. 

The receptionist look scared when she saw who was coming up to her desk, guess I couldn't blame her.

"What room is Taylor Vetoer in?"

"Uh 201." She says in a shaky voice.

We head into the elevator and up to the second floor. Immediately once I saw Taylor I ran up and hugged her so quick.

"I missed you! How are you? We're going to the beach!" I say fast not letting her get a word in.

"I'm okay now and the beach sounds great, let's get out of here!" She says getting up from the bed and being greeted with a hug from Bill. He kisses her cheek and helps her up.

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