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"U can't be. No fucking way! Are you sure?"

"Yes after being sick for a few mornings, I took a test."

"I didn't even notice." She wipes her tears and gets up from the bathroom floor.

"Isn't a great fucking joke. We get kicked out and I'm pregnant with Bills baby. I mean what the fuck!" She says slamming her fist into the bathroom counter.

"How far long are you?"

"Maybe a month, I don't even know." She lifts her shirt and there's a very slight bump on her lower stomach. I touch it and she tears up a little.

"Are you going to keep it?"

"Should I? We are homeless right now and broke."

"I know this isn't ideal but if you want to keep it, you can. We'd figure it out, okay?" I say giving her a hug and we walk out of the bathroom.

"Finally, your foods getting cold" Marie says as she's half way done with her food. I nudge Taylor and motion towards her. She shakes her head and sighs.

"What is it?" Marie questions.

"Tell her." I whisper to Taylor.

"I'm pregnant."

"Oh I know." She says laughing, taking another bite of her food. "She's been rolling out that bed puking every damn morning, I noticed."

"Shit, okay then."

We sit and eat, talking for awhile. I still had no clue where we were going or what to do. Part of me thought I'd see Tom coming for me. Part of me also hoped it. I can hate him all I want but it's hard not to miss him or that house before things went to shit.

Bills POV
"They could be halfway across the fucking country, who even knows." I yell at Tom as he pushes me back mad.

"You can't honestly tell me you don't want her back!"

"Of course I do. That's all I fucking want, do you want this whole gang to fall apart."

"We need a plan fast, I can't keep doing this shit. I haven't heard from allies in fucking weeks."

"George office! Now!" He comes down the stairs and we shut the door behind us. It had been a little bit since we noticed the girls left and we all missed them. It had been hell having to be with random girls, I just wanted Taylor back. She must be so mad at me for ignoring and hitting her. I wish she understood it was for her protection.

"The words out that there's a big meeting at the warehouse, I'm thinking ambush. We cut all fucking ties with those assholes."

"How do you wanna do this?"

"I'll hit up Chen, he'll get some guys on top as we raid below. They'll never know what fucking hit 'em." Tom says smirking evil as we nod in agreement. The plan was honestly crazy, killing all the other teams just like that. Could only hope the mafia wouldn't come back to bite us in the ass.

"The meetings later tonight so I'll see what Chens doing." Tom says grabbing his phone leaving the room.

"Are you sure about this." George asks me.

"Hell no."

Toms POV

"Go somewhere else now!" I yell at the girls in the living room. They get up quick running out of the room as I take my call. Chen was an old friend of mine, he owed me for a lifetime. I saved his ass the first night I met him, he promised to give have my back anytime.

"Perfect I'll see you tonight." I tell him before hanging up and heading outside. I light myself a smoke and hear the annoying voice again.


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