Remember Me

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I knock softly on his door. We needed to talk and I wanted to clear up what had happened.

"Come in." He says as I turn the knob and walk into the room. He sighs and sits up in his bed. I walk over and across from him on the bed.

"You think it's smart for you to be in here?"

"Toms sleeping right now and we need to talk about what happened."

He takes a breathe and lets the silence sit.

"You know we can't,"

"I know but I like you V, I have been."

"George don't say that, you can't. I'm with Tom."

"He doesn't treat you good, come on."

"No George you need to get a grip, today was a mistake and we need to be on the same page. Your with Maria."

"Fine, leave it that V, if that's what you want."

"Your a great friend so please don't hate me."

"I don't hate you." He says and hugs me. We sit for a minute before I say goodnight and sneak back into Toms bed and cuddle up to him. His chest rises up and down. I quickly fall asleep to the sound of his breath.


I roll over and kick Tom, "Get up, it's the afternoon!" He groans and turns towards me.

"I'm still tired."

"Maybe it's because you and George beat each other to a pulp yesterday." I say laughing while I get up from the bed and stretch.

"Whatever." He says as heads to the bathroom. I go and sit down on toilet and pee. Tom looks at me as I glare.

"Like the view of peeing?"

He rolls his eyes and leaves. I do my makeup quick before deciding on an outfit.  I go to the closet and pick out a black mini skirt and a dark crop top. Tom looks me up and down, smirking. He spins me around and kisses me grabbing my ass. How did he make me feel like this, love him and hate him at the same time. I think it's the fact that he can give me attention and just take it away, he kept my chained up, pulling it back and fourth.

"Breakfast time babe." He says letting me go. We head downstairs and were greeted by loud voices.

"Morning!" Bill says as he eats his eggs.

"Why are you so happy?" I say laughing as I grab a plate and hand one to Tom.

"Race tonight, should be fun." I grab some toast and sit at the island with everyone else drinking some orange juice. Bill is never this enthusiastic, they go to races all the time, nothing that special about it.

"What makes this one so good." I ask curious.

"It's money this time, you win and get money."

"Better call you broke then brother." Tom says laughing to himself as Bill flips him the finger. We sit and eat, it reminds me of a family but very toxic and violent.

After food, I watched Tom work on his car as I stood around hanging him tools, I felt slightly important. He dug around in the engine for hours, he had grease all over hands and little wipe on his forehead. He wore a wife beater and loose jeans, with that bandanna I love to see him in.

"Fuck!" Tom yells making me jump. I didn't know if I should say something.

"What's wrong?" I ask quietly, hoping he wouldn't be pissed at me.

"This fucking engine, I can't get it." He says slamming the tool down. Hesitantly, I got up and walked over the exposed engine. This was something Tom didn't know, I knew cars.

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