What's He Hiding?

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Tom left early in the morning, barely giving me a goodbye. He seemed only slightly distant lately. Maybe it was nothing. I had other things on my mind too, I keep seeing her face. Its fucking scary, what is wrong with me?

I get out of the bed a bit hungover and take a quick shower before heading down for a smoke. Taylor wasn't up yet, surprisingly. I light up outside and let my thoughts take over. There was a feeling, like the calm before the storm. Honestly I'm just waiting for someone's next move, that someone being baby. Shes gonna find out it was me, that's what terrifies me. What was she going to do anyway?

I flick the cig, heading inside waiting around the big house for someone to wake up. I roam around looking at all the cars and the little rooms. Memories flash back, remembering my first days here. Tom and I fixing up his car, the races I won, and all the fun times with Taylor.

I feel arms grab at my waist, I jump spinning around. George is there laughing at me. "Don't do that, you scared the shit out of me." I say shoving his arm.

"What are you doing over here?"

"I'm bored, waiting for someone to be up." He nods and leans against the wall. I kind of wanted to ask him about Tom.

"Do you know what's up with Tom lately."

"He just gets distant sometimes, he'll switch back soon enough."

"Yeah but he's never here anymore." He opened his mouth to say something but stopped when Bill came around the corner. I gave him a look but he brushed it off.

We all walk back into the kitchen, drinking coffee in silence. George was going to tell me something but stopped. What didn't he want Bill knowing? He obviously knew why Tom was acting different, maybe I should just talk to him myself. Hoping he doesn't get pissed. 

Toms POV
Baby sat on my lap, kissing at my neck. All I wanted to do was shove her, and fucking kill her. She continued and started pulling at my belt. I slapped her face, pulling her back. She groaned and looked up at me.

"I'm in control baby." I growled low in her face. All she was smile and hop off of me. She went across the room, turning on a speaker. A slow song played as she walked up to me, taking off her shirt. Fucking god.

She slid off her skirt, walking up to me. She got down on her knees giving me those eyes. "Come on Tom, you know you want to give in." She whispers, unbuckling my belt. Fuck it. She slides my pants down all the way, trailing her finger through my boxers. I push down her head and groan. I grab a fistful of her hair, pushing up and down. I lean my head back as she continues.

I grab my gun next me, placing it against her head, she looked at me confuse. "Go on before I shoot you." She needed to know who was in charge, this would be on my terms. She continues as I hold my gun to her head.

She got up from the floor, wiping her mouth as I put my pants back on. I start to walk away from her, as her grabs me. "That's it Tom? You can give me more then that."

"What do you want out of out this baby?" I yell in her face, pushing her back.

"This is all about Veronica you stupid asshole, can't believe she puts with someone as hateful as you. I want you at the club tonight, for a little...fun."

I scoff leaving her standing there, why was I in this fucking position. Everything was going to shit.

I drove back to the house fast angry, I was so fucking mad that I have to do this shit.

They all sat at the couch watching the tv when I walked in, V got up giving me a kiss but I turned away and she kissed my cheek. She grabs my hands roughly, bringing me away from them.

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