Mafia and Parties

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"Oh no girl, that's horrible!" I say to Taylor as she holds up the most atrocious piece of clothing. We had only been shopping for an hour and my bags were full of new clothes. I loved this feeling, spending money on meaningless things that I didn't need but wanted.

"We should find some party dresses" Taylor tells me as she hooks her arm around me and we walk on the sidewalk.

"Party dresses?" I question. What did she mean by that.

"You know for dressing up. Tom and Bill host party's occasionally for the gangs. To keep things mutual and plus we haven't gone clubbing yet!"

"For one yes we definitely need to go clubbing but I had no idea they even let anyone else but us into the us"

"Nope they do. I mean they have security 24/7 during it but they are usually fun and some very sexy mafia men."

"Taylor! You can't say that." I tell her laughing as I slightly push her.

"Hey I'm just saying if they can fuck other women and still have us, why can't we." She had a point. Bill and Tom never brought other girls home but they sure liked to fuck around with girls everywhere else.

We kept on walking until Taylor pulled me into a fancy dress shop. She said we'd find what we needed here.

"So Party is tomorrow night and we have got to look sexy!"

"Whatever you say Taylor."

I skim through the dresses and don't see much for my style. I wanted something dark like my hair. If anyone knew me, I was always wearing black, including my makeup.

It felt like forever until my jaw dropped slightly when I laid my eyes upon a gorgeous black dress. It was backless with lace. It was a small body con dress with long sleeves that extended over the top of hand. I had to try it on.

"Taylor come try on your dress with me so we can do each other!" I yell to Taylor as she walks over to the fitting rooms with me.

I slip off my clothes and zip up the dress. It looked amazing. I couldn't find a better dress with my favorite style.

Taylor walked out in red red dress with a slit up the thigh and silver embroidered into it.

"Omg you look totally hot!" Taylor squeals.

"So do you. I love the slit and color."

"We are going to catch all those little boy's attention." Taylor says in a seductive tone while checking herself out in the mirror.

"Okay let's buy these and go buy some shoes!"

Toms POV

"The girls are still out shopping so we have to make sure everything is set up for tomorrow night."

These parties were always stressful. House full of are Allie's and sometimes enemies we'd like to keep closer. Bill had been a handful today, running around making sure everything is as planned.

"Tom can you please check on the catering." Bill says in a stressed tone as he cleans around the house.

"Bill you have got to chill. Everything will be fine. I'll the caterer and I'll have to call the girls to pick up our suits. I have some new ones hiiii on hold. You will definitely like them brother." I said trying to make him less tense but it didn't work. Bill is always worried that something bad is going to happen but there is always that risk. The only thing I'm worried about is Veronica, I have to keep a very close eye on her at this party so no one steals her from here right in front of my nose. 

Phone call...


"Hey it's Tom. I need you and Taylor to pick up Bills and I suits."

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