He's Dead

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"Tom I need you right now!" Taylor yelled at me as she pulled me away from people.

"Don't put your hands on me!" I say as I push her away. No pet is going to tell me what to do. I should beat her senseless right now.

"Forgot about that! It's Taylor, something happened."

"What do you mean something happened?"

"By something, I mean someone." She says quietly not making eye contact.

"Fucking Hiroshi, I knew something would happen. Where is she?"

"No, no you have it wrong. It's not Hiroshi. Just listen to me Tom, she needs someone right now. She's in shock and I don't know what to do."

"Taylor just tell me what happened!"

"I can't, okay. I promised her I wouldn't."

"Taylor fucking tell me!" I yell as I grab her arm hard.

"You can hit me all you want but I'm not saying a word. We all know how mad you get."

"What do you mean by we? Who else knows! Bill?" I scoff and push her away from me. She yells after me but I'm not stopping. I rush into the room and find Bill and Justin.

"Somebody tell me what is going on right now!"

"Tom calm down. Everything is fine." Bill says as he walks up to me.

"No it's not. What happened to Veronica and why isn't she here?"

"She's in the bathroom but listen."

I didn't even bother. I rushed up the stairs and slammed by door open. Going to the bathroom and finding a crying Veronica in my shirt.

"What happened to you?"

"Nothing I'm fine Tom." She had no emotion in her voice and she had dried tears on her face.

"Where are your clothes then?"

"I spilled shit on them. Don't worry about it."

"V Taylor said someone not something. She wouldn't grab me just because of a spill on your clothes. So tell me what someone did!"

She flinched at my yelling.

"Nothing happened Tom! Just leave me alone!" She yelled back at me. Tears fell from her eyes as she huddled up closer on the counter. If she wasn't going to tell me that meant I had to find out myself.

I didn't say a word, I rushed back down to the room.

"Justin I left her with you, did you leave her alone? And why is there blood on your face."

"I got into a fight it's nothing and no I didn't leave her alone."

"Listen it's not going to long until I start busting heads. I want the truth right now. Taylor? Bill? Have anything to say!"

They looked at me silently. Everyone was silent. They all looked scared but also like they were hiding something that I needed to know.

"Tell me what happened after I left then!"

"She was drunk and you knew that. She started a fight with me and she ran off. That's all."

"You really expect me to believe that!" I looked over at Taylor, she was crying.

"Taylor you need to tell me right now!" I grabbed her by her hair and pulled out my gun, holding it against her stomach.

"Now Taylor! Tell me!"

"Please, please. Don't shoot. Please. It was Justin, okay!"

I look over at him. He looked scared, like he was guilty.

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