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"Tom." I whispered low in his ear as he kissed my neck slowly. His hot breath trailing down my chest.

He stop's suddenly at looks down at me. "V you can't be doing this shit."

I didn't say anything, just turned my head away from him ashamed.

"I'm trying to talk to you." He says grabbing my chin and turning me to look at him.

"Fuck off Tom." I say as I push his chest off of me and picking myself off the ground. Still feeling slightly dizzy. He grabs my arms, holding me straight.

"Stop resisting V, you're fucked up right now." He lifts me up, putting a hand around my waist, dragging me back over to the race. Like he was my damn babysitter.

Bill and Taylor eyes widen as they look at me. "What happened to you?" Taylor asks me as she pulls me from Toms grasp.

"Nothing, too much vodka." I say laughing, trying not to worry her. She hugs me tight before sitting back next to Bill. Tom had a cold look to his face, he was pissed at me but I didn't care that fucking much. He had just beat the shit out of me.

"Is racing going to happen? Let's go Tom." Bill says grabbing Taylor, leading her to the passenger side.

Tom nods and I sit down in the cold car. He places on hand on the shifter and the wheel before taking off. He accelerates fast, making my heart race as he took curves, drifting hard as Bill raced to catch up. My adrenaline coursed through my veins as he hit 120mph.

The engine roared as he crossed, the crowd crowding around the car as he steps out smiling as he puts an arm around me, flaunting.

"Feeling a bit tired babe?" He asks me as I start to lean against him yawning. I scoff and he whistles at Bill.

He heads back to the penthouse in silence. I walk behind him slowly to the room, slumping down on the bed immediately. Tom came, sitting next to me. I could feel his eyes burning into me.

"Why are you staring?" I ask sitting up on the bed.

"I'm worried about you." I'm sure he fucking is, stupid asshole has tried to kill me multiple times but sure he's worried right now.

"Don't be, I'm still here aren't I?" He sighs and moves closer, placing his hand around my waist.

"Just quit the day drinking and those drugs. I can't watch you od."

"Tom seriously? You can't possibly give that many fucks. You have put me through absolute hell, but yes. I'll stop fucking drinking!" I raise my voice getting mad. His eyes change, I knew what change this was. I was asking for it.

"Shut up bitch." He says backhanding me, I hold my red cheek as he breathes hard, staring into my damn soul. "Why do you cause so many problems?" He laughs sarcastically as he grabs my face roughly, propping my chin up at his face.

"Be a good girl and quit arguing before you make me do something you won't like." He whispers low, his breath hitting my lips. Tom maintained his face as he placed a hard kiss, squeezing my head.

He shrugs me off, climbing under the covers. I didn't say another word, just got under the warm blanket a little pissed off. He grabs me, pulling me close to his chest. He stroked my back slowly, giving me goosebumps as I listened to his breath quiet slowly.


When I opened my eyes, Tom moved and stretched in the bed as he got upright. I rolled back over trying to sleep longer but it was way to fucking bright with the big ass windows, letting every light flood into his room.

The One Who Controls | Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now