Dead Or Alive

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Toms POV

"Bill come on, the cops are here!" I yell to him as he jumps down from the counter, we push through the store door, sprinting past the red and blue flashing lights behind us. My lungs burned as I moved my feet faster, hitting the concrete below.

The police car drifts towards us, making us stop in our tracks. "Hands up, get on your knees!" We crouch to ground, hands in the air as cops come closer. Shots came from all sides, taking each cop down, one by one.

I grab Bills arm, scrambling up and running through the dead bodies. The bullets echo as we race to our cars. The sound of engines near as 4 black cars follow behind us. I notice out of the front window, sat a fucking automatic. Shit. Bill ducks down in a dark alleyway holding his arm. "It's just a graze I think." He huffed out in pain. I ran my hands through my hair, wiping the sweat away as I heard revs of an engine close in, their headlights making way.

The gun rips through the garbage bin as we crouch behind. Soon enough, the cars race off. Must have thought they killed us. I look at Bills pale face and my stomach drops a little.

"Just make it to the car." I tell him as he drags behind me slowly. I slam the car door shut, my mind racing. It was a fucking simple business meeting about territory, then things go south and everyone ends up dead. I mean fuck.

"We have to get back to the girls."

"You need to get that stitched Bill."

He groans and holds it tighter. "It's fine, let's go to the girls." I nod and speed off, hitting the highway. First thing I noticed was that George's car was gone, fuck. We race upstairs, the door already broken into. Bodies lay on the floor, George must have gotten the girls out.

"Shit call him." I call George twice, straight to voicemail.

"Fuck!" I yell slamming my fist into the counter as Bill sunk down on the couch, his hands buried in his face.

"Let's go."

"We don't even no where they are, or even fucking alive!"

"Let's fucking go, Now!"

Veronica's POV

A tall blonde in a suit walked up to me slowly. He was very attractive but in a terrifying way. He held out his hand and I took it as he led me away from the people. Maybe he'd just kill me and get it over with.

"Your a pretty one." He says smiling and twirling my hair around his finger. I stare at the ground, ignoring him. He lifts my chin, making me look in his eyes.

"Why not just shoot me already." He laughs and pulls his hand away.

"Tom didn't deserve you, didn't know how to treat a woman. I will make you much more comfortable." He says coming closer, his breath touching my lips. Goosebumps trail up my body as he wraps his around my waist, pulling my lips in. He kissed me soft before I pushed him off.

"Fuck you, fuck this shit." I say back angrily as I push his chest back again. He hits me hard in the face.

"Don't make me do that bitch. All you have to do is behave." He growls low in my ear before gripping my arm tight, dragging me out of the building.

There was a black Escalade parked waiting for us. He opens the door and pushes me in, the man following. I didn't even know his fucking name. Who even knows what he was gonna do, not that I cared much for my life anymore. Tom was fucking dead, he was all my life was and now he's fucking gone.

The one thing I had to worry about was everyone else. Did Taylor and Marie get sold too? Was George alive? The thought sickened me, what if I never saw them again. They were all I had left. The only people I could call my family.

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