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"No! No! Why!" Shes screaming, screaming so loud. Blood is spilled on the floor, bodies lay. Dead, dead, dead.

"Hold on just hold on. Please, please. I can't lose you. Don't die, you can't." Please just hold on, there's too much blood.

"Help me! Help me now!"

Bullets sounding off, screaming, blood. People run, sirens sound out. Life ripped away right in front of me.

The stretcher comes in, lifting the body up, blood gushing out. Sirens sound away, the ambulance racing away from this hell. Silence stood in the air around the dead.

"It's okay, your okay, calm down." Ringing fills my ears, I cup them screaming out. Why did this have to happen? Why?

"I need you to focus, we have to get to the hospital." Taylor and Tom are there, fucking dying. I can't do this. No,no,no.

"V!" I look up at Bill, his face has blood splattered on it and his eyes are red. Marie came up grabbing my arm, walking me over to the car. I couldn't even think straight, all I could see was Tom getting shot and Taylor on the floor bleeding out.

Bill raced off as I slump down in the seat, trying to not feel so numb right now. Marie and George sat in the backseat, he was consoling her as she cried softly. Maybe one good thing came out of it.

We got to the hospital fast, with Bills driving. We all rushed into the doors looking like hell, blood covering us with our dried tears and red eyes.

"Tom Kaulitz, Taylor Vatore."

The nurse nods her head, shuffling through her papers, and the computer. "The girl is in the ICU and Mr. Kaulitz is in surgery right now." Bill takes a big breath, running his fingers through his hair.

"Can we see Taylor."

"Only immediate family members are allowed in the ICU."

He slams his hands against the desk. "Look we're the only family she has, I need to see her."

"Second floor." Bill sets off and we all trial behind, he walks fast. Impatient to get to her. I knew what he was thinking about, the baby and so was I.

She lay in the bed, sleeping with a tube in her nose. The doctor looked relieved to see that there was people for her.

"She has lost a lot of blood. Taylor came in with several stab wounds on her abdomen and chest. She's going to be fine but she needs to heal the stitches and her body."

"What about the baby?" Bill blurts out, cutting him off.

"Right, the baby's okay and she will need to come in for an appointment with the OB after her stitches heal. She should be waking up soon."

Right as the doctor left, Bill rushed to her side holding her hand. It hurt to look at her, she didn't deserve any of this. It should have been me in this damn hospital bed. Fucking Toms in surgery. I can't even think about him dead right now.

I sat in the chair, listening to the heartbeat on the monitor. Bill fell asleep by Taylor's side, about an hour ago.

"I'm gonna take her to get some sleep."

"George, did you forget what the house looks like."

"Don't worry, we'll be at a hotel. I'll text the address later." I give them a hug as they head out of Taylor's room.

"Are you the relation to Kaulitz?" A doctor walked in the room asking me.

"No he is, but he's sleeping right now. Is he okay?"

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