You're My Baby

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"No! Stop, don't hurt him!" Someone shook my shoulders, waking me from my nightmare. Tom was getting murdered right in front of me. Baby doing the fucking killing, maybe I should of told Tom about her. She could be the one behind what happened last night.

Tom hugged me tight, as my breathing calmed. I laid against him, forgetting the bad shit. He made me feel on top of the world, but also like a beaten puppy that loved the slight attention it was given.

"Are you okay?"

"Just a lot on my mind, I mean I'm fucking worried that something bad is going to happen to one of us." He sucked in a breath, looking me in the eyes.

"I not going to let that happen, your safe with me V."

I knew he'd keep me safe, of course he would. It's just that what if this one time he couldn't. What if he couldn't save me when I needed it. That thought terrified me and I couldn't shake it. All of the things that happened made me less and less sure of a good outcome. Something was seriously gonna go wrong, very soon.

He fell back asleep as I laid staring at the ceiling. Sleeping was not going to happen for me right now. I crawl away from a warm Tom, walking to the kitchen. Trying to eat my feelings right now.

Soon enough I heard footsteps from the darkness and the sound of puking. My one and only girl, she is always awake when I am. Taylor walked out a little later and gave me a smile, as she poured herself some juice.

"I'm going to take a guess that you've been up worrying too much." I laugh a little, trying to make light as she sighs looking at me.

"You know me to well, but I know your thinking the same thing." She gives me a nod, putting a serious look on her face. We both couldn't fool each other.

Taylor and I sat silent for awhile just being in each other presence as the sun slowly crept through the windows, lighting up the room around us. Doors opened and out walked everyone, sitting at the island. Tom sat eating and put his cold hand on my thigh, it made my nerves settle a bit.

"So we have some business in town today but George is going to stay with you guys." Tom said as he gripped his hand harder, giving me a reassuring look.

"You guys are leaving us here?" Taylor asked looking up from her food. Marie and I stare at them, waiting for an answer.

"We're not fucking leaving you, we have shit to do. Bill we need to go, now." Tom says back to us, sternly. They got up fast, leaving in a hurry. Taylor huffed, crossing her arms.

"Calm down, they'll be back eventually." George says looking at Taylor. She rolls her eyes, leaving the table angry. She didn't have to be that fucking mad, they always had business, they can't stay with us forever. Only thing I'm worried about is Tom ending up dead in the street, while I sit here waiting for him. Fuck.

George and Marie sat with me, playing cards. Anything to pass the time. Taylor hadn't come out of Bills room since breakfast.

"Hey fuck you, that's a straight flush." Marie says to me as she lays down her cards, laughing. I give her shove as we deal again. We played for another before getting bored at watching the tv. I switch on the news curiously.

"No fucking way."

"Gang members Tom Kaulitz and Bill Kaulitz killed in the shooting downtown. Multiple deaths and injuries accounted for innocent bystanders."

My heart stopped, it just stopped. My head went blank, nothing. Marie shook my arm as I stared at the words killed on the news screen. She said something but I wasn't listening, everything was drowned out. I couldn't even cry right now, no emotion came out of me. He couldn't be gone, how could he just die? I didn't get to say goodbye, we didn't know it'd be our last time together and now he's just dead. No,no,no.

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