Secrets or Lies

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"What the fuck happened to your hand!" Tom yells at me as he grabs it. I groan in pain as he touched the bandage.

"Let go of it Tom." He pulls back and holds my shoulders.

"What happened."

"I put hand in some glass, it was accident. Bill bandaged it fir me." His face softened and he calmed only slightly.

I turned away but he grabbed my chin and kissed me softly before grabbing my arm and going downstairs.

"Taylor and Marie are here. You called them?"

"Don't worry about it, they're here." I found it slightly sweet that he got them back here. Seemed like he was the only one who still cared for us.

Taylor was in the kitchen making breakfast. It reminded of old times. That was short lived, Bill and George came in with the girls. Taylor's face dropped, she turned away and kept cooking. I knew it hurt her the most.

We all sat at the island eating and letting the awkward silence fill the air. It was so weird.

Lexi soon came in, sitting right next to Tom. She glared at me as he grabbed his arm. He dropped it but she wasn't giving it up. Toms face could say it all, he was about to blow up. She tugged on his shirt and he gripped his fingers around the knife he was holding, slicing it through her arm. She dropped to the floor, getting blood everywhere.

I gasp and hold my hand to my mouth. Everyone looked up but continued eating like it was normal. I didn't know what to do, she slowly got up and walked out, leaving a trail behind her. Tom kept his same expression, cold and heartless.

"Time to head out." Was all Tom said as the boys followed after him. The engines sounded out of the garage and it just the us girls left in the house, fucking great. We all hated each other.

"Taylor, you okay?" I asked knocking on the bathroom door. The sound of puking was the response I got. She soon walked out and Lexi pushed past us into the bathroom. She gave us a disgusted look then cupped her mouth.

"Oh my god!" Taylor yells as she looks down at the puke on her shoes. Lexi didn't even aim for the toilet. She hurled again and I jumped back. The white floor, now stained with vomit.

"Use the fucking toilet!" I yelled at her and she slams the door shut. She must be one of those people who puke when they see others do it. Fucking nasty.

"I'm not cleaning that shit up." Taylor says walking away. Great another mess that I get to deal with.

"It smells fucking gross in here." I hear a girl say coming around the corner. I point down at the pile of puke as I stared to mop it up. She holds her nose and walks away fast.

The smell stung in the air, but not as bad before. Lexi came out and stood face to face with me. "That's all your ever going to be good for, cleaning up other people shit." She flipped her at me. This fucking bitch.

"Hey!" I yell and she turns around. I throw the puke mop water and she gets completely drenched. She stares at jaw dropped as I gave her a smirk.

"Shit my bad, hope it doesn't stain."

"Do you have a fucking death wish?" She says grabbing something out of her pocket. She flicks open a knife, pointing it at me.

"Are you crazy, put that down!" She runs up and I push her back, she tries to stab me as I hold her back from my stomach. I punch her in the face as I feel a hot sting in my shoulder, blood dripping down my arm fast.

"I won't be so nice next time." She whispers before leaving me on the floor. That stupid bitch, I can't believe she cut me.

I go in the bathroom, cleaning the blood away and wrapping my shoulder, it hurt to lift my arm but it should hopefully heal. I was going to look like a mummy at the end of the week.

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