Numb That Feeling

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The hotel looked more like a skyscraper. It was a huge silver building, lighting up the dead of the night. Bill sighs turning off the car as he helps Taylor with her bags. I lug one of bags through the lobby, receiving looks immediately. I think it was more towards the Kaulitz twins.

They didn't even check in, just headed on to the elevator, cramming everything in. The numbers went up, 1,5,10,15. A lot of fucking floors, the door opened to a big hallway with spaced out doors, lot of space. Then it hit me, this must be a penthouse or one of those fancy suites that only rich people stay in. Of course that's where we would be staying. Only the best for the best.

"Finally, your here!" Marie shrieks and crashes into me, hugging the life out of me. She gives me a warm smile as I hug her back. This place was jaw dropping. It had a big wrap around couch with a TV in front of the giant view, the whole side was just windows, showing the beautiful lights of Tokyo. Marie dragged my bag into a master bedroom that a silky canopy bed with a small set of furniture and the room had its own mini view outside. The bathroom was nothing like before, with a glass shower and separate tub off to the side, it also had giant rectangular mirrors surrounding the entire room.

"Pretty fucking amazing right?"

"No shit." I say laughing as she leaves the room. I shut the bathroom door and down my flask slowly at first but then swig after swig. A buzz set in as I left the bathroom and found everyone in the living room, sprawled out playing cards.

"Hey no cheating!" Taylor says shoving Bill as he laughs. I sit down next to Tom who handed me the deck to shuffle. I could enjoy this normal life for a while. We played a couple of rounds of cards, as we laughed and talked about stupid shit.

"Swear this looks better then the house."

"If only we had this view, it's incredible."

"The only view I need is this." George says laughing as he slaps Marie's ass. We all burst out in a laughter fit, my stomach hurt from it.

I get up going to the bathroom, taking more swigs from my flask, the whiskey setting in quick. I light a smoke and hold it in my mouth as I sit next to Tom. He hasn't really said much since we left the hospital, which was weird of him. Tom kept a cold look on his face, he didn't look angry but I couldn't tell.

Everything started to get a bit fuzzy as they started to get up for bed. I get up a stumble a bit as I make my way to the room. Tom was already in the bathroom, doing whatever as I stripped down to my bra and underwear, climbing into the soft bed as I light another cig.

"You okay Tom?"

"Fine just sore after everything."

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Rather do something else then talk." He says smirking, my drunk self was thinking the same thing. I climb onto his lap, putting my lips to his hard. He grabs at me as his tongue parts my lips. Tom flips me on my back, grunting and grinding his hips into mine as he kisses down my neck. Fuck how I've missed this shit.

Tom slides my underwear down to my knees, sticking his fingers inside, slowly. I moan out slightly as he moves them in and out. He slides off his boxers and opens my legs, positioning himself as he thrusts inside. We both grunt and he's inside.

"Good girl." He whispers in my ear as he thrusts in and out, my legs wrap around him as his hand is around my throat. He grunts loudly as the bed creaks. We we're definitely being to loud but he obviously didn't care. Soon enough he was finished and we laid there out of breath, are chest rising up and down as my forehead dropped a little with sweat.

I put my body on top of his, breathing deep and feeling his warm chest against mine as he falls asleep. His cologne was all I could smell as my eyes faded into black.

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