024; secret cat

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"NO NOW THAT I REALIZED YOU'RE LEAVING I DON'T WANT YOU TO TAKE THE JOB ANYMORE." ivy complained, latching onto gracie's arm and letting her head fall on her shoulder.

the group of friends were packing all the luggage grace and jackson needed for the month in new york into the trunk of matt's car. they were preparing to say their goodbyes to the two and it was now really hitting them that they were leaving.

"it's sad you're just realizing it now." chris snorted from inside the car and ivy dropped gracie's arm and narrowed her eyes.

"i'm gonna miss you guys." gracie frowned,
letting her arm wrap around madi. "have fun in hawaii, make sure vee doesn't do anything stupid."

"i promise i'll keep an eye on her. i'm proud of you gracie." madi smiled and the two shared a hug. after breaking apart she stepped aside to wear jackson was standing to speak to him.

"mads u sure you can't come with us?" matt asked one more time, wrapping his arm around gracie's shoulder. "and she's not listening." he frowned and gracie laughed, covering her mouth slightly when he looked down at her.

"what am i going to do without your panera discount?" matt sighed dramatically and she started laughing even more.

"get your ass in the car matt and stop being fucking weird." nick called from inside the car already and matt rolled his eyes before letting go of grace.

"vee here." jackson came closer to the group again and held out his car keys. "you can use it if you need to but i swear if you crash this car i will beat your ass." he went close to giving her the keys but he retracted his hand again.

"oh and if you dirty it you clean it." he told her but then remembered one more thing he had to say. "and if—"

"alright relax, give me those keys." she took them from him and then climbed in the car.

"ivy i'm being serious!" he called after her and then got in the car as well. gracie and matt could hear their bickering from where they stood.

"alright, i'm out, i'll see you later." madi hugged matt and then gracie one more time before walking towards the uber that was there to pick her up.

the two watched the car drive away as matt closed the trunk of his car, getting ready to finally leave towards the airport.

"you never got around to telling me what you wanted last week." she stated and matt scrunched up his face, leaning back on the car and shrugging.

"it's not that important anymore."

"are you sure? i feel bad." she frowned slightly and matt smiled as he nodded.

"we can talk about it when you get back."

"that's in a month matt." she deadpanned, and matt scrunched up his nose and shrugged.

mastermind; m. sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now