046; mac and cheese

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"FUCK!" nick exclaimed when he tripped on some chord running across the red carpet. when he got looks he turned away and towards his friends. "yikes."

"yikes?" matt raised his eyebrow, never hearing that word come out of his brother's mouth.

"whatever. fuck you." nick flipped him off and matt looked at him as if he did nothing wrong.

"okay fuck you to—" he stopped himself when he looked up and saw who they were waiting for.

it was the official day. the premier of jackson and gracie's show. all their hard work, the beginning of a new season. (literally and figuratively).

"why did he just stop?" chris furrowed his eyebrows and the looked to the side and saw as jackson helped gracie out of the car and she took his arm to walk onto the red carpet. "yeah that would do it."

"remind me why you're not there with her." ivy blinked, watching as gracie's eyes searched for her friends, but more importantly looked for matt's throughout the crowd.

"something about the cast showing up together, i don't know." he shrugged and lazily responded, but his eyes didn't leave her.

she looked amazing, and matt literally didn't think he could take his eyes off her even if he tried.

"wipe your mouth matt. you're drooling." madi snorted and he just narrowed his eyes at her. when she looked away he wiped his mouth to check if he actually was.

safe call, but he might as well have been. nothing could beat the way he felt the moment she met his eyes. or the way she smiled at him. nothing could beat how he felt as he watched her face grow excited because she saw him. nothing could ever beat the way she didn't break eye contact as she pulled jackson towards them.

"you guys look amazing! stop." gracie practically squealed, hugging each one of their friends and leaving her boyfriend for last.

"i don't get my own special compliment?" matt asked confidently and gracie practically laughed in his face.

"you're not getting any compliment after that comment." she snorted and he just rolled his eyes before smiling slightly.

"you look beautiful." he stated and she grinned at him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "like i can fall to the ground now and die happily drop dead gorgeous." matt happily admitted it and she couldn't stop the blush that overcame her face.

after all this time and he was still making her blush the way he did when they first met.

oh how different everything was. he no longer was her cute reoccurring, mac and cheese obsessed customer. she was no longer the pretty girl at the register he walked into the same panera for.

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