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***this chapter is in editing mode***

BANG! I woke up to the sound of my sister falling off her bed. I totally understand though because it's the day of the reaping.

I got up and sat beside my sister who was now hyperventilating. I never understood why she would be scared she's not even old enough to enter. But maybe their about me? probably because I'm the only one in the family who can get picked, although its not likely I will get picked.

My mom and grandma are tailors, the most popular too. So we don't really need to put my name in more for bread, and thank goodness for that too. I have an older brother, Sammy,but he's 20 now with a girlfriend. Willa, my younger sister, is 10 she still has a few years till she is eligible for the hunger games. But I'm 13 so my name is in there 2 times its not too bad, but its still there.

I picked her up like a baby and carried her to the kitchen so I could make her some eggs. Once I got downstairs I put her on one of the wood chairs. I turned on the T.V. of course the only channel that was working today was 'The Talk Show'. It used to have that guy with sparkly midnight blue hair, now there is Harry Amtion. I like him but I have no idea why he just is so... different.

On the show is the new game maker, they want to do everything new now! the new game makers name is Arisesa Riönia, for once a GIRL! They're talking about the games. While the eggs are cooking I tune into the show.

"So Miss. Riönia, how did you fell about the last hunger games?"

"I fell very sad for district 12 having so close to no what do you call it... mentor! what such a close call with district 6 there." she said in a horrid accent.

" yes,yes indeed so sad,' he took one moment to think of the past tributes. he was about to say something next until 'Miss.Riönia' decides its the perfect moment to but in.

" Appositely, but this year it will very, very exciting."

"oh well we love exciting, right? " you hear the crowed roar with sounds of yes and cheering.

I turn back to the eggs to flip them. when I turn back to the T.V. its showing reruns of last years. katniss' hard fought battle with the three headed snake but unfortunately she did not return. then last last years don't ask me why their showing it they just are. Katniss crying well she gives Peta nightlock, Peta not thinking it is nightlock, eating it and dieng Katniss cry her little heart out. So sad so... helpful


my mom pulls my hair back into a tight bun, just well I'm in the bath. I get into the steaming hot bath tub. I scrub until I'm as clean as can be. I slip out of the tub and look at my my bed there was a newly tailored dress.

it was a baby blue dress, with snow white clouds across it. it was a spaghetti strap, but with a really, really really, really like the lightest you can go pink lace attached to the straps. it as just longer then knee length and was a light fabric, so light you can almost not fell it.

I walk downstairs where my mom put my hair in a braid. then it was time. I slowly walked to the area in front of the 'tower' as me and my friends call it but its really just where the mayor lives with his wife and son. I stood in the long line of children waiting for their hand to get pricked. my turn, the lady asked me my name and age. I responded instantly she then pricked my finger placed it on the sheet then moved on to the next person.

I went into the sea of girls and stood beside my friends we held hands. then came out Dranma Yonoma (district 5's Effie Trinket) "hello everyone, and welcome to the 76th annual hunger games. And may the odds be ever in your favour. well last year we started with boys, so this year I will start with girls." she said with a bright smile. she slowly and gracefully walked to the girls bowl.

she reached in picked up one then decided she didn't like that one. reached in again deeper then pulled out another. she opened it and said: "Tamie Drion, come up here please" I looked around like and idot. then it hit me I'M Tamie Drion. Juilanna my best friend started crying all my friends gave me a huge hug, then the girl sea parted, a single tear slide down my cheek. I held my head high so I don't look like a baby. I carefully stepped on to the stage. Dranma gave me a half hug then asked me how old I was."13" I whispered into the microphone.

"wonderful" she said despite the moans that went across the area. she then merrily walked to the boys bowl she pulled out one quick and clean. "Jack Xavern" an alert, dark haired boy with big, thick, black glasses. I knew Mr and Mrs Xavern they love my moms and grandma's work.

mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, Willa, Sammy all of them I didn't even think about them. their proble so worried I can just picture Willa crying in dads arms, mom leaving the room, grandma niting like mad grandpa not eating for days and Sammy awestruck.

"give it up for this years competitors Tamie and Jack" a small round of applause went around but truly they all were just staring at my dress.

"come on kids let's go" Dranma muttered under here breath. I got pushed into the building I was so frightened.

As of now I am in the hunger games


so what ya think don't be afriad to comment and vote I might not be the best speller sowwy :-)

bye :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)


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