Back in the Spirit World. A Legend to be Saved.

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AN: I have no excuse on why this is almost a year since I have updated lol! ^^' I was traveling, and college, and wanted to update some of my other stories, while also just kept pushing off this chapter. ^^' I am really sorry you guys, my lovelies!! But here it is, finally the next part! While this does mainly follow the Spirit World episode, I did cut and change a few things just to make it flow better. Also because I did not want to make a 15,000 word chapter! This is close though, over 10,000 words and its only part 1! I still wanted to give you all a long chapter to read as an apology. Hopefully I don't take another year to update, but still thank you everyone for sticking by me and motivating me to continue!!

I don't own Yugioh 5Ds, just the OCs and the OC Cards. Most cards, and recap, will be in italics until we get to the Spirit Worlds. And Void's voice will be in Bold. Hope you all enjoy!! Thank you once more and don't forget to vote, comment and have fun~! Also I do not apologize for all the Monkey puns I have made ;)


Last Time in Yugioh 5Ds Lost Memories! After the duel with Roman, where he manipulated and changed the situation to where Yusei had to face Rally, thenlose his close friend's soul to the Dark Signers. The real goal for the sudden duel was revealed when Cathy had been captured. It wasn't till Yusei and his friends went back to Martha's home that they had come to a theory on why they needed their blonde friend. To use Cathy's powers to charge and use for the old Ener-D reactor. The cause of Satellite's destruction so long ago. When the realized this and knew they had to stop their plan by going to the Four Stars of Destiny, the team went off separately to save the world. However, back in the Dark Signer's hideout where the old reactor was, the dark group wasted no time putting their plan to action. With Liquid's knowledge from the Arcadia Movement and drawing out tapped power, Roman used this to bring out Cathy's abilities. The plan would've succeeded if not for a last minute move by her and Void to prevent the complete unleash of her powers. Now her soul split from her body to the Spirit World, and her friends trying to stop the destruction of everything, the situation truly becomes that much dire to stop the Dark Signers in time...

The only good thing to come from the streets of Satellite being so barren was the fact it made it easier for all the Crimson Signers to drive around. Getting to each of their own destinations as quick as can be. Akiza riding with Mina, Jack and Yusei on their own duel runners, and Leo and Luna in the patrol cruiser driven by Officer Trudge.

As Yusei Fudo weaved through the streets, trying as fast as he could to get to the control unit. One of the Four Stars of Destiny. The one that was being guarded most likely by Kalin. He wanted to finally end this. Put a stop to his old friend's plan.

But that wasn't the only reason he sped faster than he's done before.

The faster he got there and took down Kalin, the faster he could get to where the original Ener-D reactor was. Where Roman was. And where they were keeping Cathy...

He could only hope. Praying as he rode that she was okay.

However, his thoughts came to an abrupt stop when his Crimson Dragon mark glowed brightly. And pain shot straight from it!

In fact, every Crimson signer saw and felt their marks began to glow. Reacting to something.

Yusei cried out in pain, nearly crashing his runner but luckily braked in time. Stopping himself then looking at his mark. The pain in it, it was familiar.

A feeling he felt when Cathy lost control of her powers.

And now as Jack, Luna, and Akiza felt the same in their marks, they realized as well at that moment what was most likely happening. Making the situation and stakes that much dire.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2023 ⏰

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