Learning More About the Signers and Myself! There's a Bigger Threat Coming?!

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AN: Heyo my readers!!! Wow this was updated pretty soon!! Probably cause now I'm not in the tournament lol! Also I realized I never drew Cathy in Arcadia Movement uniform so voila! Sorry it looks rushed lol ^^'. But. I had a lot of fun drawing it and writing this chappie!! And I hope you all like it my kittens!! So please tell me what you think!!


Last time on Yugioh 5Ds Lost Memories! I'm finally free from the Arcadia Movement! Liquid and Okita found me and gave my stuff in my backpack. They told me tang I got some men on the inside since they'll be staying and keeping an eye on Akiza and the movement. Letting me know if something bad will happen! And after that Yusei won the tournament! He beat Jack apparently after the Crimson Dragon I've heard so much about made his grand appearance! That's when I got a vision from Artemis saying how a big dark threat is coming and how the Crimson Signers, like Luna, Jack, Yusei and Akiza, need to face it alone which is stupid!! But what I saw in that vision was not good! I just hope it isn't too late.

I ran as fast as I could, leaving Glasses Girl Carly where she was. Though I think she was going off to probably the stadium but at a different area. I ran to where the entrance was of the tracks and began going faster as I saw an ambulance ahead.

I saw Jack on a stretcher being rolled and lifted into the ambulance. The paramedics closed the doors as the ambulance began driving away. That's when I took notice Yusei standing there watching the ambulance drive away and my smile got bigger. Oh I am giving him the biggest congratulations hug ever!

"Yusei!!" I called out when I got closer. The boy turned around when he heard me and that's when I took a leap off the ground spreading my arms like a bird and grabbing this boy in hug by his neck! "You won!!!"

He just let me hug him but I could tell he almost lost his balance there from my surprise attack! He had to wrap his arms around me to either A) catch me so didn't land on my face, or B) keep him upright and not fall. Or C) just to hug me back!

"Yeah I did. It was close though." He said though I pulled away enough to look him in the eyes with mine just ecstatic!

"Who cares?! You're the champ now!! Congrats dude!"

Yusei though just looked back to where the ambulance left and looked lost in thought. Wish I could get a read on this guy... "Yeah. Though I may have beaten Jack, I have a bad feeling there is a bigger fight coming up."

My eyes widened. Crud that reminds me of what Artemis said. They do have a bigger battle up ahead. I have to tell Yusei, "um well I think I-."

"Hey Satellite! I don't think you won fairly!" Why am I always getting interrupted?!

We both let go of each other and looked around the stadium hearing some audience members booing. "Yeah how'd you cheat?!" Someone else yelled out.

"Don't think we'll welcome you freaks just cause you won!"

"You're still a loser!"

Oh heck to the no! I growled and raised my fist to wherever these voices were coming from, "you wanna say that to his face?! Come down here and I'll take your face out!!" I yelled out.

"Cathy it's alright." Yusei said calmly placing a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at his eyes and groaned.

"Tis not alright! They need to learn to get over it! You won and that's that." I huffed puffing my cheek and crossed my arms under my chest. I heard a light chuckle coming from the guy next to me who is apparently my best friend for some odd reason. Glad to know he finds me defending his honor funny!

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