Welcome to the Spirit World. Part 2. Who's up next?!

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AN: Heyo everyone! So I have made chapter 7! And I am super in LOVE with it! And it's a special over 500 views special! And yes I know I said special twice. That's how special it! So anyways, I hope you lovely readers enjoy!! I don't own Yugioh 5Ds but you guys already knew that! Enjoy!!


Last time on Yugioh 5Ds Lost Memories! Luna was facing off against The Professor of creepiness when suddenly Luna went into a daze. Then out of nowhere Moonlight Fairy comes out as a spirit and transports me to a place called the Spirit World saying Luna is in danger. When I get there I find her, but a huge dragon thing appeared along with Luna's monster Sunlight Unicorn. Then a voice came and was telling us that Luna kept a promise to come back and protect the Spirit World. We tried getting away from the dragon but when he kept chasing us, I knew I had to get Luna safe. So I made her take her Kuribon and ride Sunlight Unicorn to safety. Now it's just me and the dragon. What could go wrong?

"Okay big boy. Let's see what your made of!" The dragon roared and started to charge at me. I quickly jumped to the side and drew a card. "Alright!" I immediately stopped and placed the card in front of me and let the power inside me erupt to the card. "Please help me, Moonlight Cerberus!"

The card suddenly glowed and in a blinding light, and Moonlight Cerberus appeared in front of me. All three heads howled and roared at the dragon. Cerberus looked at me with all three heads and knelt down in front of me. I looked at him confused at first not sure what he was trying to say.

"You want me to get on?" The middle head nodded and I got on top of the three headed wolf. The dragon charged at us again and Cerberus ran to the side each time it would try to swipe it's claws at us. When claw came close to us Cerberus jumped up and I held on tight to its fur. All three heads blew in and I knew their gems were glowing. The blast came and hit the purple dragon right in the kisser!

We landed far from the beast and I looked to that it was just kneeling. I knew it was going to get back up soon and I have to get to Luna as soon as possible. But I can't just leave it so it can follow us. I wasn't paying attention when all of a sudden the dragon attacked and Cerberus tried to dodge it but was accidentally pushed back. He fell to the side and I was rolled of of his back, but what I didn't know was how close we were to that edge of the cliff. I accidentally rolled off and grabbed onto the edge quickly.

"Ah! C- Cerberus, you okay?!" I called out trying to hold on. I heard a grunt from him and knew he was hurt badly. I was only holding onto the cliff with one hand as the other one dangled. My duel disk was on the one dangling so it was heavy. I heard more howling and roaring from the top. Then there was a cry of pain and all was silent.

"Cerberus? You okay?" I called out yet got no answer. I tried pulling myself up but that's when I heard the part I was holding crack and loosen. Aw crud. Then it gave away and I fell. "AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" I screamed as I fell fast to my doom, but then it was now like I was floating instead of falling. The whole place turned to dark.

'You should have not return.' A voice said around me. It wasn't Artemis because the voice was deep and loud. It was definitely a guy's voice.

"Who are you?!" I called out into the darkness.

'You should have stayed in the human world.' The voice said instead. He was starting to make me mad.

"Listen! I don't know who you are and I don't know why I'm here!"

'Of course you don't. For you remember nothing of this world.'

"Wait. Do you know why or how I have amnesia?!"

'Yes. But I believe you want to get to the signer child, correct?' Signer? What's a signer? Is he talking about Luna?

"If you mean Luna, then yes. But please quickly tell me who made me lose my memories!" I needed answers no matter what.

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